
Friday, November 25, 2016

Improv Layered Circle

After making what I'm calling an Improv Layered Circle for my Bee Sewcial bee-mate, Leanne/she can quilt, there were several requests for a tutorial. So here was my process for what it's worth!

Cut an improv circle. I started with one about 4-5" in diameter. If you're not happy with your first cut, just trim it up a bit until you like it.

Lay your circle on your next fabric (called 'fabric 2' going forward) so it's overlapping only by 1/4 or 1/3 of the circle's circumference. Cut along the circle as indicated by the arrows. Discard the bit that was under the circle.

Clockwise from upper left: Flip fabric 2 over onto the circle, right-sides together, and start sewing where the two meet, working up to 1/4" seam as you sew around the curve. Fabric 2 will look bunchy when you are done, but press the circle seam edges out and things will smooth out. Turn over to right side and press again. Click here for a little video of the sewing bit, in case that helps.

Trim fabric 2 so there's a nice curve, starting and ending right at the circle edge. Repeat with your next fabric!

This is a fun technique that really isn't as difficult as the end result might imply. Go slow on the curves, careful not to pull on those bias edges. After a few rounds, evaluate what you've done and trim as needed before continuing on.

I'm anxious to see how you use the technique, so be sure and use the hashtag #improvlayeredcircle if you post on Instagram.


  1. Thanks Debbie! I'm going to play with it this weekend on a improv quilt I'm working on with wedges. I'll let you know (with pictures) how it goes.

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'll be interested to see where you go with this.

  3. Thanks for sharing your technique, Debbie. I was wondering how you did it. Will definitely be giving this a try!

  4. I thought this might be how you did it. I'm looking forward to returning home and spending some time in front of my sewing machine. Thanks for the tutorial!!

  5. Well done! I still haven't had the time to play with this, but I will!

  6. Thanks so much for making the time to share this. I loved it when you first posted it and can't wait to try myself.

  7. Cool! The video was quite helpful.

  8. Thanks so much!!! I'm totally going to give this a try!! Will let you know when I'm done!! Sandieloves2quilt!!!

  9. This looks like so much fun! I may have to give it a try in a future quilt...thank you for sharing your process!

  10. So fun! How did you put this on the background -- applique or stitched?
