
Thursday, December 1, 2016

DIY Embroidery

There's no doubt this year's Mighty Lucky Quilting Club has presented me with challenges I would never have considered tackling. Creating my own embroidery pattern certainly fit in that category. In fact, I skipped it when first presented in October, but I reconsidered a couple of weeks ago, knowing I was so close to finishing up the year batting 1000.

Nichole Vogelsinger/@wildboho is an embroidery master for sure, and reading through her challenge a second time enticed me to try the “found” pattern method. Basically you find a pattern that already exists in fabric, and in my case, I settled on a piece of Anna Maria Horner's Loulouthi (why does the selvage say LOU LOU THI?) and fused it on to a fat quarter of Loominous that I actually purchased at Craft South when we were in Nashville last year.


And then I just made it up as I went along! My relationship with embroidery actually goes way back - something I used to do alot of. So it wasn't really a stretch to randomly stitch here and there. The 'shape' of the floral piece wasn't ideal, but it was at least interesting enough to give this a go. As with most challenges.... something to think about.


  1. Interesting idea, although I am not sure at all of the practicality of embroidery on anything but a decorative quilt. Would you say that overall you enjoyed the Mighty Lucky Club and the challenges?

  2. That's my favorite fabric ever. It looks beautiful embroidered and has so many options. Well done!

  3. Oh wow - love how you added all these embroidered details. What a neat idea!

  4. The embroidery works well and enhances the quilt. Very even stitches.

  5. Love ur quilt and embroidery. I only managed one challenge this year bit I know there are some that I would like try...maybe next year.

  6. Love ur quilt and embroidery. I only managed one challenge this year bit I know there are some that I would like try...maybe next year.

  7. Love ur quilt and embroidery. I only managed one challenge this year bit I know there are some that I would like try...maybe next year.

  8. Love ur quilt and embroidery. I only managed one challenge this year bit I know there are some that I would like try...maybe next year.
