
Monday, January 16, 2017

Oh Strawberry

When I first saw the #strawberryblock posted for The Honey Pot Bee, I thought it was cute enough, but I had no inkling to actually make it. But little did I know that the more I saw strawberry blocks being posted on Instagram, the harder it would be to resist! Considering the Scraptastic Tuesday link had just gone up, I figured why not. It had been far too long since I'd sewn with scraps, and my basket is seriously overflowing.

The original block (7.5" x 10.5") was designed by Bec/Skyberries Handmade, and Angie/Gnome Angel up-sized it (17.5" x 24.5") as an option for the bee. I went with the larger block, and I daresay, I may need to make a few more.

Linking up with Scraptastic Tuesday.


  1. The blocks are so sweet and I have to admit that after making the smaller version I think it is wise you made the larger size. :)

  2. Lovely block and beautiful range of pink fabrics !

  3. I didn't feel the need to do this either at first but they are pulling at me. It might happen. Love yours!

  4. I agree - these little (or should I say big, becasue I'm definitely going for the larger option) is calling my name. I've resisted so far, but not for long!
    E xx

  5. Oh, I like that larger than life strawberry! What a great red/pink combo!

  6. I am being so tempted by the beautiful strawberries. Yours looks great.

  7. thats very cute, sometimes it is really hard to decide weather to participate in a SAL or not.

  8. Love your Strawberry! Yes, a great stash buster and a pretty one at that!

  9. Looks great! Just finished mine too, but in the smaller size. But the larger one is taunting me now too...

  10. Such a pretty strawberry! I enjoyed making the pineapples last year and they are similar:)

  11. I'm so glad we are your excuse to try something out Debbie! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  12. that's really fun! I am glad that you gave the dimensions...I would have had no idea that the block was so large. it's a great design!

  13. Awesome block! I really love that this block has a larger option - I'm really, really tempted by this one!
