
Friday, January 20, 2017


When Stephanie/@spontaneousthreads posted the prompt for Bee Sewcial this month, I might have sighed a little. So here I was needing to create inspired by Resolution, when in fact, I was starting the year planless, with the only resolution being not to make any. yeah.

In addition to my own [lack of] resolution though, Stephanie asked us to watch a Ted talk on Zaria Forman: Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth. I really enjoyed that. What kept coming back to me, though, as I considered the theme was the continuous project lists from last year, and the fact that I wanted to plan less this year. Not that I intended to sew less, just leave more space to sew on a whim. So as I started to sew, I was in a way, recreating that very intentional list of the past.

As I continued to sew, I was thinking of the Resolution prompt, my own lack of planning, glaciers (thanks to the Ted talk), scale, and my own journey. It was an eclectic mix of ideas, and I may just be the only one that sees the connections in the finished piece. 

The one detail I will comment on is that I tried to leave more white space to represent 'free sewing' as I moved along, though I achieved an acceptable block size - 13" x 25" - before things got really blank. I did also refer to Helen/Archie the Wonder Dog's tutorial: "How to Add an Accurate Quarter Inch Strip", which actually worked really well to achieve even 1/8" strips. And as usual, Bee Sewcial took me somewhere worth going with intention and thoughtfulness. I'm glad I went.


  1. Without having heard the TED talk, but having been to Alaska, the colors and form suggest a glacier calving to me. But we don't all see the world the same way, especially in art, so forgive my interpretation if it's wrong.

  2. this is a great interpretation of the word. I enjoy your work and seeing the process. you inspire me!

  3. I love your work, by which I mean your quilts and your descriptions of your process. Thank you!

  4. I really like that you added the white space ... I think we all need a bit of white space in our lives :)

  5. This is stunning: simple, but powerful. I'm glad the tutorial was useful, thanks for the mention!

  6. Brilliant post and your derived quilt block is perfection.

  7. I like this interpretation of the prompt. To me, it also illustrates well the "go with the flow" attitude and the fact that you expect the flow to get broken or interrupted and take you in a different direction. Gorgeous colours too!

  8. I see it, and I love this block!

  9. While this block is simply stunning - I'm always impressed with the improv you create - knowing the process you went through is most valuable. Given only the word, "resolution," I would not have an inkling of where to begin. It's good to know that the "crutch" of the Ted Talk surely helped work through how to make "resolution" happen. You expressed it well! I'm glad you didn't plan 2017 quilting in advance! I too agree that it's better to have spontaneous sewing time than have it all scheduled. Keep up the great work! Your year is beginning beautifully!

  10. So, I'm glad at least I didn't leave you afloat with the prompt. I too am not a resolution (of actions) maker, but I do like your resolution of thought, of ideas.... and the tension and sometimes letting go before we arrive at our destination. My personal journey into 2017 has been one that I never would have predicted standing at the bow of 2016. To those of us who don't typically make resolutions but who have resolve- cheers, and may 2017 leave you the creative white space you so crave. The block is beautiful and it is you. I received it yesterday and I cannot wait to have them all-

  11. This is stunning Debbie! I wish I could be more spontaneous like you are.
