
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Strawberry Love

So you were probably as surprised as I, that after declaring I was starting the year planless, I would almost immediately start in on a strawberry quilt. I KNOW! But there's this little girl who has an insatiable appetite for strawberries, and I just couldn't resist.

Both the original block by Bec/Skyberries Handmade, and an up-sized block by Angie/Gnome Angel were offered as options for the introductory month of The Honey Pot Bee. I opted for the larger block (17 1/2" x 24 1/2"), making four very scrappy blocks for a grandgirl-sized quilt.

I chose Sprinkle in Jelly Bracelet from the Cotton + Steel Basics line as my background fabric, which just suited those scraps so nicely. And then for the back... oh goodness.... another Cotton + Steel print - Kimberly Kight's "Yours Truly" strawberries - totally won my heart.

A quilted grid with Aurifil's 50wt #2000 (beige) was a pretty obvious choice, plus a current favorite. 

To top things off, the strawberry print had a perfect little selvage to sew into the back. It couldn't get better than that.

Linking up with Finish It Up Friday.


  1. This is so sweet! What a wonderful gift!

  2. So now I know, you do "cute" as well as you do improv! I love the sprinkle background, and the addition of the selvage; little details complement so well.

  3. Oh Debbie, this quilt is adorable. You do such pretty work; I long to do as well as you. Maybe if I keep it up I'll someday be this good. You're an inspiration:)
    Have a lovely day and keep stitching and sharing.
    Connie :)

  4. The backing is so perfect and the selvage really could not be any better at all! Great binding, too. Congratulations on the sweet finish!

  5. Fun quilt, and the backing is a perfect choice.

  6. Sometimes a quilt is just meant to be. Too cute!

  7. Lovely quilt and perfect backing ! Love the addition of selvage.

  8. This is just gorgeous!! I love the use of the selvedge too, I've done that in two recent projects when the selevedge has been too nice to waste!

  9. I didn't have this planned either but I am feeling the pull of the strawberry (and the pineapple) block lately!

  10. That is a perfect quilt. Your backing and label are just exactly right. And no plan does not equal no sewing! It equals the freedom to sew whatever calls your name :-D
    E xx

  11. This is cuteness overload! Front, back and that selvage ... perfect! It seems to me you planned this quilt to perfection!

  12. This is so precious - especially that selvage on the back!!

  13. This one is very cute, completely different than the other quilts you make, but very nice!

  14. Oh that is just gorgeous - I love the giant strawberries :)

  15. It's perfectly delicious, Debbie! Now I want to make one with the blocks I started last summer. ;o) You are going to make that strawberry loving little girl very, very happy!

  16. This is just so adorable Debbie! Grandgirl must be so happy with her new quilt!

  17. Where can I find the supply list for this quilt?? Can someone share? Pretty Please!

    1. Hi! There are links in the blog post for the strawberry blocks. Here's the one I used: You'll need to do the math depending on how many blocks you want to make, and whether you want it scrappy like I did, or whatever. Hope that helps!
