
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Best of 2017

There were hopes of one more finish before the year runs out, but I'm beginning to think that won't happen. I'm feeling a little daunted by things I already know are waiting for me in the new year, but that doesn't mean it's not worth a little time to look back. And for that reason, as a start at least, I decided to join in with Cheryl/Meadow Mist Designs' Best of 2017 Linky Party. The object is to share your top 5 posts of 2017, and I'll just judge that here purely on view count.

1. 10 Ways to Make a Quilt Back - Though I'm not usually too creative in this regard, folks obviously really appreciated a few new ideas.

2. Thinly Sliced - Interesting that of my all my quilt finishes, this one qualifies as most-viewed. What fun to explore the improv stripe technique though!

3. The Improv Stripes QAL Begins! - It was so much fun, others wanted to play too, which led to my second Instagram QAL! Skim through the #improvstripesqal hashtag to see progress photos or if you're interested in where the technique can take you, you might enjoy the show-and-tell blogposts here and here.

4. No Scrap Left Behind - Made for the blog tour for Amanda Jean/crazy mom quilts' latest book, this project was actually made the first time I took my sewing machine on vacation!

5. And finally.... "What do you do with all those quilts?" - I get asked this all the time. And though I shared in depth with lots of quilt photos in my blog post, the short answer is... I use/gift/donate/show/share/store/sell them!

So the above is just one way to indicate 'the best of', of course, and I hope to share some other thoughts soon. But it's telling, don't you think? As much as folks want to see finished quilts, they want to try new things, and get a peek into each other's crafty world. And that sharing is really one of the best things about our quilting community. Here's to more of that!


  1. Amen to that! I love your quilts but really come here to be inspired and learn new things! Here's to a creative 2018

  2. It is very interesting to look at the year in different ways. I agree that while quilt finishes are fun and satisfying, learning something or having a really great discussion will draw me in every time. I look forward to more in 2018! :)

  3. All these blogposts I read, enjoyed and learned from! Thanks for another great year of quilting and blogging Debbie! I wonder what 2018 will hold?

  4. I enjoyed every one of those posts! Thank you for sharing so much on your blog. And here’s to a happy, healthy and productive 2018!

  5. Great posts, I enjoyed seeing and reading them again! Thanks for linking up and I hope you have a wonderful new year!

  6. Wonderful lovely projects and such perfect points on your pillow cushion. Hope you have an equally wonderful stitching year in 2018!

  7. These are all great posts, I loved the quilt back one and I agree with Yvonne, discussion posts are always so interesting. A great year, I will look forward to reading about what 2018 holds.

  8. I like the difference in all the posts. Not all speak to everyone but this way everyone has something :) Hope that makes sense. The last one had me cracking up. I don't have that many (any) own quilts yet, but I can feel this topic approaching.
