
Sunday, September 16, 2018


If it seems like it's been a while, it has. Bee Sewcial takes August off, so here we are in September back to our improv prompts and it's Anne/@playcrafts' turn.

Anne chose the theme of 'Home' using colors found in the palette of this photograph of downtown Atlanta, where Anne now lives.

As I was thinking about the theme, I really wanted to portray my family, because they are of course my dearest 'home'. But I had trouble taking that thought anywhere improvisational; didn't really want to do our 'house'; and at some point the idea of my home city came to mind, and that seemed doable.

Really, it seemed mandatory to include an image of the Space Needle in some way. And Smith Tower, and Mount Ranier of course, and why not plenty of blue sky, right? {wink} Though I'm happy with my representation, I'm a bit concerned whether or not my depiction will be too literal to fit well with the other blocks. But Anne ok'd it, so trusting all will be well, and of course inspiration is what inspiration will be.


  1. Home would be a difficult prompt. I agree that family feels the most like "home" but is not something to really be captured. I think using your city was a great secondary plan and the block feels very representative to me!

  2. Good interpretation.
    Yes, that's a good choice, lots of blue, when the sky
    is blue around here, it's gorgeous.

  3. One thing about these sure pushes your creativity! Seattle is very well represented by you!

  4. Your Space Needle improv-piecing is just awesome!!!
