
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Triptych Jewels

I'm going to let my bee-mate Karen/@capitolaquilter describe her February prompt for this month's Bee Sewcial improv bee. "When choosing my prompt, I kept coming back to the concept of stages: Past-Present-Future, Birth-Life-Death, Before-During-After. I’m curious to see your interpretation of this idea with three segments that differ – they do not need to be equal portions and can transition subtly or abruptly with changes in design elements like scale, shape, value and color for example."

Karen's chosen palette was jewel-tones, as indicated in the prompt. I chose to focus on emerald, amethyst, and sapphire, with a hint of topaz to reflect my triptych of water in three forms (l-r): solid (ice), liquid (an ocean wave), and gas (steam). It was Karen's request to leave the block untrimmed, and mine measures approximately 12" x 24".

Well this was a curious prompt to execute. I was in a quandary on how to distribute the colors for interest yet cohesiveness, and also how to 'join' the three distinct panels. At first I thought I'd put a strong horizontal 'divider' between each. But in the end I went with one thin 'thread' between blocks one and two, and another between all three blocks - or block two and three, depending on how you look at it. Either way, I learned a new word and was challenged to represent it. Oh, and except for the inset curve in the middle segment, I created this block ruler-free.


  1. What a very interesting challenge. I think that the phases of water is a great exploration for your triptych!

  2. Love your interpretation. Interesting challenge!

  3. I love what you did! The three panels look wonderful together, and each also works on its own.

  4. What a challenge! I love how you transitioned between 1 and 2 with the topaz. And the 'bridge' in the middle joins the three panels beautifully.

  5. I like this challenge. You did a great interpretation. Amazing!

  6. The idea of water in it's three forms is a very interesting concept to fit this challenge as well to depict visually. You did a great job. Don't know how you all come up with your ideas.
