
Monday, April 29, 2019

Show News

There I was, busy at work last Friday, when I received a text from my Seattle MQG quild-mate, Matt/@odditease letting me know that our Improv Alliance (I pieced, he quilted) had won a third place ribbon in the Group Quilt category in our local Everett Quilt Show. Yay! I was so pleased, as I'm super proud of this quilt, and Matt's quilting just made it extra special. AND it was just plain fun to have it hanging in the show.

Then as I was heading up to the show, I heard from Elizabeth @eagould that my Home Away from Home had won a ribbon of its own .... First Place in the Small Pieced category. Matt was leaving that little tidbit as a surprise, and I admit, when I got the note from Elizabeth, I just started laughing!

The theme of the show was "It's Raining Quilts" which explains why the ribbons all had umbrellas on them!

I had entered one more quilt in the show - Follow the Dots. It was hanging with other modern quilts, many made by other members of Seattle MQG.

It was SO good to see other quilts from my guild-mates on display, and though I fear I may have missed some, here are the ones I caught a photo of. Enjoy!

 Refraction by Lynne Shandley

 The Giant Placemat by Clare Kapitan

 Rhythm of the Heart by Elizabeth Gould [2nd Place in Modern Quilts]

 The Last Hurrah by Louise Wackerman and Seattle MQG

 The Sum of Blue by Sara Goss

French Cut by Matt Macomber

 Black Hole by Lynne Shandley

 Raindrops on Wildflowers by Louise Wackerman

 Pinstripe Suit by Martha Peterson [1st Place in Modern Quilts]

 Sunset Dreams by Louise Wackerman

 Morphing by Martha Peterson [2nd Place in Small Pieced]

 Whose Turn? by Elizabeth Gould

English Toffee #1 by Clare Kapitan

Camano Fields by Rosie Winters [award unknown]; quilted by Dionne Matthies-Buban

Octagon Sky by Rosie Winters [3rd Place in Modern Quilts]; quilted by Dionne Matthies-Buban

There you go. Hope you enjoyed (a portion of) the show!


  1. Congrats on your wins! Thanks for sharing the show quilts - felt like I was right there :)

  2. there's so much talent in your guild! so many beautiful quilts, including yours. congrats on your well deserved ribbons

  3. Congrats on your ribbons! Some really spectacular quilts in the show. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I think it's really fun that Matt was leaving the other ribbon as a surprise for you. Congratulations and thank you for sharing the show with us who are much further away!

  5. Such great quilts, thank you for giving us a little peek into the quilt show. Congrats on your ribbons!

  6. Congratulations to you and hats off to your guild! Those quilts are beautiful and make such strong statements. Thank you so much for sharing your photos.

  7. What a wonderful surprise (x's two) that you had! So many gorgeous quilts from your guild...very talented group and you all should be very proud!

  8. Congrats on your ribbons, ähmm... umbrellas :) No I have "that" song in my head lol. Also loved the other pictures. Some impressive quilts!

  9. I see some pretty awesome quilts here! Congratulations on your ribbon!

  10. Love your quilts. Can you tell me where I can get the pattern for Morphing? My granddaughter and her fiance want me to make them one. Thank you so much.

    1. Sorry there was no email attached to your comment so hope you come back to see my response. But I'm pretty sure there IS no pattern. But it's composed of primarily half square triangles, so maybe you can create something similar.
