
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Improv Play

Those words.... improv play. They have a nice relaxing ring to them don't they? Well they do to me, anyway, so when Marci/@marci_girl posted this month's Bee Sewcial theme, I didn't feel quite the normal unease I do when a prompt is announced.

Each of our blocks was to use one feature color (any color) against either black or white. It was even ok to make the occasional 'opposite' block with the color in the background. Plenty of flexibility there. One key stipulation was in regard to block size - we were to make mini blocks - 2.5", 3.5" and 4.5".

To make a close approximation of our normal two 12.5" square blocks, I made 11 - 4.5" blocks, 10 - 3.5" blocks, and 6 - 2.5" blocks. Here they are all together.

I do have a few favorites! Marci planned some 'just play and have fun' scrap busting and I certainly did that!


  1. So much fun. My favorite is the tiny aqua square in white (top photo)

  2. That's a prompt I would feel very little stress about too! Your blocks are so cool! I can't wait to see how this quilt plays out!

  3. It's always fun to see what your bee will do next. I'm liking this idea.
