
Monday, May 13, 2019

Forage Bag

With the handle of my Traverse Bag ready to fall off after months of use, I was looking for a new bag for summer, and impulsively started in on a Forage Bag last Friday night. It's a free bag pattern from Anna of Noodlehead, found on the Robert Kaufman website. I'd actually been thinking of making a different bag, and I still may, but I wanted something right away, and I had yet to decide on fabric and order zips for the other project. And for the Forage Bag, I was able to use supplies I had on hand... Maker Maker fabric which I'd been hoarding for ages - a linen/cotton blend from Sarah Golden - some black Essex yarn dyed, and a print from Carolyn Friedlander's Carkai collection for the lining. Considering I had the right size metal zipper AND the grommets on hand, it seemed like kismet.

It took me a little longer than I expected, but it was straight-forward, and I was able to finish it in one (long) evening. The construction technique is really unique, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and the zipper was a super easy installation, a step that can sometimes be a bother. Of course I had to consult my own tutorial for installing the grommets [What? You thought I wrote them only for you? grin], but they went in quick and easy, for which I was grateful.

So it felt great to start and finish a project in one sewing session, use supplies totally from stash, and of course, have a new bag to use right away. Seriously, being a maker is the best, isn't it?

Linking up with Meadow Mist Design's Favorite Finish linky.


  1. It’s so cute. Now I want to run home and make one too

  2. I've got that pattern and have parts of it cut out...have to actually do it!

  3. Fabulous bag. Love the color!

  4. Lovely bag and it looks totally professional! Hope you can enjoy it a lot this summer :) xo

  5. This is a great bag. I loved that entire line of Sarah's. Good combo with the Essex linen. Very nice!!

  6. These fabrics are absolutely perfect for this bag. Well done!

  7. Great bag. The fabric is perfect. I rarely make smaller projects like this and I think it's because I have to follow a pattern.

  8. What a great bag! I love the fabrics you used and the grommets and zipper are perfect accents for it.
