
Monday, May 20, 2019

The Pleated Pouch

When my copy of Svetlana Sotak's That Handmade Touch arrived, I browsed through it again and again, trying to decide what to make first. Then I realized the Pleated Pouch might just be the perfect vehicle for a gift certificate for daughter dear's birthday, so that's where I started.

What a fun little pouch! It has a unique construction method that I found really clever, an easy zipper installation, and leather accents. Do note though, that there's a slight misprint in the book: the dimensions of the lining should be 12" x 9". Unfortunately I saw Svetlana's post about that after I was midway into the project, but thankfully was able to continue on with a minor little tweak which didn't affect the look of the pouch or its use.

I think that accent fabric next to the zipper is my favorite detail. Or maybe it's how the 'pleat' just falls into place when the pouch is turned right-side out. Either way, I like it alot. Making it with Carolyn Friendlander prints made me happy - isn't that new blue Harriot 'Screen' print wonderful? You'll be seeing that Screen print in upcoming projects as I treated myself to several colorways. Anyway, the pleated pouch is one I'll definitely be making again.


  1. Your zipper pleat pouch turned out great. Yes, I like the accent fabric too, Carolyn's prints are fun.
    Congratulations on the finish.

  2. Lovely pouch Debbie, both these prints are so perfect!

  3. What an interesting design! Does it have a snap closure when it's folded's a bit hard to tell from your photo.
