
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Black&White Challenge

Back in August I decided to make a mini quilt for the Curated Quilts' Black & White Mini Quilt Challenge. At 15 1/2" square, it basically was just a few hours of dabbling, with a pile of black and white fabrics I'd pulled from stash. Inspired by a previous bee block, I had a very slim vision, and that was part of the fun - seeing where it would take me.

Happily, it was chosen to be included with other challenge pieces, and appears in the current (10th!) issue of Curated Quilts. I don't think - or sew - in black and white often, but I'm thinking it might be worth exploring some more!


  1. Congratulations! I think black and white quilts are stunning, but in general I've been really attracted to two color quilts for a while now.

  2. Love your mini! I'm so glad they included it. Just got an email that my copy will be delivered later today..... woohoo!

  3. That's a beauty! Excellent use of contrast too.

  4. Love it. I have quilted in B&W many of my favorite challenges/fabric to work with!

  5. You've done so well, Debbie. Once again. I'm so glad for you it was selected for publication. Black and white is dramatic, and (if you're like me) not done often enough. Congratulations!

  6. Congrats Debbie. Playing with black and white can be really fun and so graphic. I've used the combination twice for strictly black and white solid quilts plus a couple with prints. It's part of my 2020 plan to use my stash of black and white prints.

  7. You used some really striking fabrics in this quilt and it turned out great. It's nice to see it with the magazine.

  8. Congrats! Guess you are feeling very happy about getting into the magazine :) xo Melanie
