
Monday, January 27, 2020

Cross Country with Anna Maria

So I spent yesterday with Anna Maria Horner and the Seattle MQG. It was an enjoyable and inspiring day, with I admit, a few moments of quandary. But Anna Maria was there to both help and stir things up, and she stood the test. (grin) Here's where I was after our first little consult.

If you're not familiar with the pattern, it "features a bold and simplistic patchwork layout to show off some of your favorite fabrics, but has a special element of applique." So I'll see about the applique, but I was definitely up for the patchwork, and chose one of the pattern variations to recreate. It includes a quarter log cabin block in each quadrant, so that's where I started.

I did get a little further, starting on piecing some squares for one of the bars and cut some setting triangles and accent strips as well. I was stuck on one other element, and after considering several, Anna Maria and I settled on one we both liked. So that felt good to go home with that figured out.

So I've got some sewing to do, obviously, and then need to figure out the center block. So stay tuned, and we'll see what happens.


  1. what a great day for you! I'm insanely jealous. It will be fun to watch this come together. Outside your normal box for sure!

  2. This is intriguing. I can’t tell where it’s headed, but I like it. Though I see that it’s not using any of your usual solids! Sounds like you learned outside your comfort zone, and that it was good to take a class from someone with so much quiltmaking fame. That opportunity alone would make the workshop worthwhile.

  3. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this. It's already looking beautiful.

  4. What is that blue floral fabric? It's yummy!

  5. I feel like you are stepping outside your normal box! But I cannot wait to see where this goes. You have us on pins and needles!

  6. I had the opportunity to take a class from her in 2019. Definitely awe inspiring and totally outside my normal box. I'm hoping to finish the quilt I started in her workshop this year.
