
Monday, January 13, 2020


Our latest Bee Sewcial prompt is 'Radiate.' M-R/@quiltmatters asked for wedge-shaped block(s) - one or more - exploring what we hope to radiate this year. My initial thought was 'encouragement,' and I mulled that over for a while, finally asking hubby, "what does encouragement LOOK like?" Our conversation wound around to 'standing together,' and that is what I tried to portray in my block via the use of improv stripes.

What a fun palette M-R chose - yellows, oranges, reds, & purples. I love then together, don't you? Obviously I went with one wedge, just for the challenge, and I gotta say it was kinda tricky! Marci had figured out if we did one block, according to M-R's request of 1-3" wide on one end, 5-7" on the other, it would be about 60" long. That's way bigger than my cutting mat, so I finally taped an approximate shape on the floor, and that worked pretty well!

I actually made striped segments one by one, auditioning their composition and placement, tweaking, then finally roughly cutting to size and filling in as I went. Then once it was all pieced and fit 'neatly' between the tape, I laid my long ruler down and marked where to cut. Then it was easy to take to my cutting board and trim it up. Kinda crazy, but it worked.

Even with better lighting, it was difficult to photograph these colors, but here's one more try so you can see a bit of the detail pieced into the block before I mail it off to M-R. Fun times though!


  1. amazing. I love the prompts your bee comes up with. it will be interesting to see how she puts all of these together

  2. Those colours work so well together. What a fun block and what a spectacular quilt it will make!

  3. This is such a good prompt and it's going to be an amazing quilt! I love how you worked out the length, color placement and cutting!

  4. Wow that's one long wedge. Your method to tape it off on the floor is genius.

  5. Well that is sooooo cool. I have been mulling over what my next prompt will be and I was thinking wedges but this is way more than I would have thought of. Way to go and I can't wait to see their finished quilt.

  6. What an exciting adventure! Looks great, I'll keep tuned to see what happens next.

  7. What a good idea to use tape on the floor! Thank you for sharing the tip 😘

  8. What an interesting prompt and thanks for showing your construction. I think I would have been stumped on how to achive that big a wedge. xo Melanie
