
Friday, May 1, 2020

Improv Double Wedding Rings

It's hard to believe this is the sixth opportunity I've had to select a prompt for Bee Sewcial. Coming up with a prompt has never been easy for me, and sometimes I think I've chosen to be much more literal than some of my bee mates. But the improv with intent definitely found its way in with my previous Bee Sewcial quilts - Mod Mood, Baconrific, Looking Up, Homage, and last year's Modular.

For May, I'm asking my mates to create improvisational double wedding ring blocks with black and white and blue(s) - think sky blue - in each block. A single block may contain one or more "sky" blues, but definitely both black and white in some quantity as well.

A typical wedding ring block contains a center "melon," rings or "arcs", cornerstones, and background. I'm giving them the freedom to blur or ignore the lines between any of these components, as long as the general feel of the block evokes the shape of one double wedding ring block, and its end points point approximately in opposite corners of the block. Also, any piecing within the components of the block is welcome. I'm asking for two 12 1/2" square blocks, each containing one "wedding ring" block segment. Here is my first try at a block.

I've created a pin board with some inspiration photos, but totally encourage my mates to give their blocks their own characteristic spin on things. I can't wait to see!

Bee Sewcialites, you'll find details posted in our Flickr group. Please check in there so I know you've seen this month's prompt. #inspiredbybeesewcial


  1. That is exciting! I like how you used contrast and great piecing.

  2. what a fascinating prompt! can't wait to see what everyone does

  3. That pin board made me think, "Why haven't I made this block before?" Such a fun block. I miss sitting down at the computer and commenting here.

  4. Can't wait to see what develops from this prompt. Loving it already with your block.

  5. I have a feeling these blocks are going to be amazing!

  6. Ohhhhh - this is going to be awesome! I love the colours.

  7. Wow! Love this improv piece! The colors really play well together! Well done!
