
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Original

Something about these weeks on end evenings at home led to the rediscovery of my love of handwork. Over the years, though less so more recently, I did quite a variety of hand-stitching. It started with stamped cross-stitch when I was a young girl (thanks grandma!) and led on to embroidery, needlepoint, counted cross-stitch, and more.

So a few weeks ago I rummaged around to find a Dropcloth Sampler I had started ages ago. Come to find out, it was, ahem, FIVE years ago that I had set it aside. It was an "Original Sampler," which measured 10"x12". And I had made decent progress, but definitely had a ways to go.

Fast forward to last week when I finally finished the sampler after some diligent weeknights of stitching. I backed and framed it simply with a stash find, hemming it with a running stitch and a couple of small stitches in each corner. Now looking to see what I can hand-stitch up next!


  1. Great stitching and beautiful finish!
    I didn't know you embroidered, my grandma taught me too.
    Since I can't get at my sewing machine right now I've been working on
    my embroidery projects.
    Good to see your work.

  2. very cute! I love it! I need to try embroidery one day!

  3. It's fantastic that you found an old project to finish and I look forward to what comes next in the handwork series for you!

  4. Yay, for a lovely finish! The blue really frames it nicely and makes all the pretty stitches stand out. Beautiful!

  5. Wow! You made quick work of this delightful project (once you set your mind to it!)

  6. so very pretty! I will need a new handwork project when I finish my bojagi this weekend... hmm

  7. Bravo! My hand stitching has definitely increased during this period as well. I even resuscitated my Lucy Boston Patchwork of the Crosses project. But that's about to be tucked away as I need to start a cross stitch Christmas stocking for my new grandson! So happy to have the ability to keep my hands busy.
