
Monday, October 12, 2020

Backing Up

I went back in time yesterday. Just for a bit, and only in that I revisited a project I'd made back in 2013. It was the Wordy Mouse Pad - do you remember? I'd written a tutorial and here's the original.

It came up in conversation the other day when my co-worker went to get something from my office, which I haven't worked in since March. She noticed the mousepad on my desk, and put in a request for one of her own.

The focus of the original is of course that typewriter, cut from Melody Miller's Ruby Star Shining collection way back in 2011. Sad that there was just one lone typewriter left in my stashed piece. I'm definitely a proponent of using those treasures though, so I just dug right in.

It had been ages since I'd cut into my collection of text fabrics, so that was fun. Piecing, quilting, and finishing was easily accomplished in under an hour. Here's the new one!

Once construction is complete, a simple purchased mouse pad is inserted in the sleeves sewn on the back. The finished mouse pad cover measures approximately 8 1/2" x 11", though the size may need to be adjusted depending on the mouse pad you purchase. Nice thing is, if the purchased pad is slightly too big, it can be easily trimmed using a ruler and rotary cutter.

So sadly, the typewriters are gone, but I'm thinking other interesting patchwork and quilting can still make for an interesting mouse pad. So I've ordered a few spares and may just see what I can come up with.


  1. Debbie, I love your mouse pad. I’m sure it would work even without a real mouse pad inside. The first one really catches my eye with more bold black in it. Both the text prints and the cute typewriter image really pop in that one. I dare to say that you might be making more for the office co-workers than just this one.

  2. They are both beautiful! And I think you did wise to order a few more - if word about it spreads around you will most likely get more requests ;) xo

  3. What a fun, custom mouse pad! My eyes keep getting attracted to the word search print. Maybe I should go scratch that itch with a quick game or two. :)

  4. What a clever way to personalize a mundane item in our everyday life. Thanks for the tutorial, too.
