
Monday, October 19, 2020


'Tis the season! The upcoming election and the actual act of voting is uppermost in alot of our minds. I've been enjoying seeing the VOTE quilts folks have been sharing, and had been debating if I wanted to make one myself. Suddenly, last Friday night, with my newly arrived ballot waiting for me on the kitchen counter and my Bee Sewcial mates enjoying an evening of sewing, chatting  and "zooming" together, I suddenly decided I most definitely DID.

Without giving it too much thought, I gathered a variety of stash red solids along with a navy and white stripe. I kept things light-hearted and improvisational, just enjoying the process. By the end of the evening, I at least had the top pieced, so it didn't take long to quilt it up the next afternoon. I used Auriful 50wt #2250 [Red], marking out from each letter with my hera-marker and then echo-stitching in sections. Very fun stitching!

Once I trimmed the quilt, it measured just 16.5" x 22". It was while I was making some binding strips that it came to me to piece an exclamation mark in the binding on the right edge. That was just the oomph needed for my simple message.


  1. What a great piece to work on while visiting with sewing friends through Zoom. The exclamation mark in the binding is a perfect finishing touch.

  2. Nice touch on the exclamation point!

  3. Oh my, Debbie!...I love the exclamation mark in the binding! What a clever idea! This little quilt is such fun! And, WOW, you just whipped that right out. How fun it will be to pull it out for every election.

  4. I like the how the reds contrast with the letters, super finish!

  5. so good... the exclamation point is the perfect ending

  6. Very nicely done! Fun, yet still clearly makes its point!

  7. Love the exclamation point in the binding!!
