
Monday, December 28, 2020


Hi there! Not your normal post, but I just wanted to let you know that there have been alot of you lately that show up as "no-reply" bloggers when you make a comment on one of my posts. What that means is that an email is not connected to your comment, and there is no way for me to respond.

That's sad for me, since it's my habit to respond to pretty much every comment on my posts. Oh occasionally I need to skip a few; but in general, if you take the time to comment and connect with me, I definitely want to do the same by responding.

A few of you have even asked questions that I am unable to answer without having your email. So you might check, especially if you've been commenting regularly and have gotten no response. If need be, always do feel free to contact me via email, Because we're all part of the same community, and that's worth taking care of, right?


  1. Debbie, thanks for letting us know. Hopefully I am not a No-Reply blogger!

  2. I think i was one of those but hopefully I fixed there a way to let me know?

  3. I have been commenting with my gmail account, which is not my main email account. I do not have a blog, and use Feedly for my RSS reader, not Blogger or Bloglovin. But, I just went to, logged in with that gmail account, looked in Settings > User Profile, and found an unchecked box labeled "Show my email". I checked it. Let's see if that helps! (I've been trying to fix that, and never before thought to go to Blogger, since I'm not a blogger.)

  4. Thanks for reminding people about this. I had a few no-reply commenters asking for my free Christmas pattern and feel bad that I couldn't send them the pattern.
