
Friday, April 2, 2021

ABC Sprinkle

Another month, another Dropcloth sampler! If I'm not mistaken, this is the 7th one I've finished since the stay-home time began in our area, the 3rd with ABCs (also Disco Nap and ABC Max). Every one, of course, is my new favorite.

With this one, I kept the palette very controlled, mixing both solid perle cotton and variegated. I think I was successful in using two different threads in each letter. At first I was afraid I'd get bored with this one, since it was stitched only with the running stitch; but thankfully, that never happened.

So perfect timing on this finish, as the newest Snowflake Sampler block just dropped, and I'll have that to work on for a while. But I hear Rebecca has another Dropcloth Sampler in the works, so I'm patiently standing by.


  1. can't wait to see what the new drop cloth sampler is. love this one, you should do it again in warm colors! haha

  2. Wunderschön! Diese Art zu Sticken hat mich neugierig gemacht und macht Lust, es selbst zu versuchen.
    Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz

  3. This sampler looks wonderful! I like how you blocked the design with the house and added the words on the letter V. The subtle change in threads adds nice interest. I would have kept from getting bored with it as starting the next letter is always looked forward to. Then suddenly there are no more letters to stitch. Nice work!

  4. I don't know if this is a thing but I LOVE the "random-intention" of this. I can see a child running their fingers on the stitches, following the letters and loving this handwork for many years.

  5. Love this! I did one last year in pinks. I am seriously considering another of these, but maybe I'll wait until I see what the new sampler is. :)

  6. I really love the palette, and it looks like it was a soothing one to stitch!

  7. Great stitching and texture. I saw in your previous post your new pressing cover, cheerful.
    And I'm glad you're not feeling 'terrible' about your fabric situation:)

  8. You've certainly made stand-out running stitches! I love the graphic effect of all those perfectly imperfect lines. Wonderful! You'll have so many lovely pieces when you're through - if you ever get through! As enticing as each one is, I just keep pondering what I'd do with one. I can't come up with any practical idea for myself.
