
Monday, July 26, 2021


After I announced my fine-line piecing prompt for Bee Sewcial, my bee-mate M-R told me she had been thinking of something very similar for her July prompt. Oops. Similar yet different, M-R settled on the theme of "Connections," expressed with circuit boards. My first thought, as is so often the case with Bee Sewcial prompts, was yikes!

It was serendipity that my pre-ordered copy of Lisa Congdon's new book, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Elements: The Powers, Uses, and Histories of Every Atom in the Universe, arrived on my doorstop at the perfect time, and it contained just the inspiration I needed. Block size was optional, as long as they added up to our typical two-12" blocks. I made my first, small-ish block (6.5" x 10.5") just to make sure I was on the right track. Once M-R approved that, I felt free to move on.

My second (8" x 13.5") and third (13.5" x 15.5") blocks continued to be challenging design-wise, but the palette - reds, white, and grays - helped keep my angst at bay.

A new prompt will be coming soon, so I'm relieved to get these mailed off.... AND looking forward to seeing my beemates' response to the prompts. It's always interesting to see how we each are inspired!


  1. It's pretty amazing that the prompts were similar and yet I think the quilts are going to be so very different when pulled together.

  2. what an interesting prompt. so the book was worth purchasing?

  3. Interesting prompt, and fun blocks. I'm interested to see how your bee mate puts the circuit together.
    Maybe my computer has its wires crossed(!), but the link to the book that helped you links to another book, which has helped me greatly, but has nothing to do with the history of atoms.
