
Wednesday, December 8, 2021


If you've followed A Quilter's Table for long, you know there are a couple of particular color challenges that I like to participate in, if only by myself. The biggest is the Pantone Color of the Year, which will be announced soon; but also, I enjoy challenging myself to use the KONA Color of the Year, which this year is Cosmos!

Folks seem to have a love-hate relationship with purple, but I'm a fan! Even though I don't use it a lot in my quilting, I'm definitely willing to. How about you? Yay or nay? Or does challenging yourself with color not interest you? All's fair!


  1. Yah! Would look pretty as a toe nail polish too!

  2. I adore this color, in fact I'm getting close to finishing a quilted coat in this color. I agree, it seems people either love or hate purple, I'm in the love camp.

  3. It is my granddaughter's favorite color so I see it in my future! She just made us GREAT grandparents and I am sure I can find something to make for the little one in that color.!!!

    1. oh yeah, definitely! Congrats on the new great grandchild!

  4. I love using purple as an accent, though my effort to make a purple quilt waned very quickly about 4 years ago. Maybe I'll resurrect it next year.

  5. I think it's a really striking color! If nothing else, I'll pick up a few yards to work into a some future project. :)

  6. it's beautiful! not going to play nicely with the pantone color this year I'm afraid! did you see?

  7. Purple is my least favorite color- I do have to challenge myself with that color. Can't wait to see what you do.
