
Friday, October 6, 2023

Calendar Update III

With a guild retreat day last weekend, I was able to spend the whole day making green improv blocks for a large section of panel two of the triptych. 

So once I got home, I was happy to find I had enough blocks to complete that section. That left one skinny white strip, and I was ready to start trimming and sewing slabs together.

Because of how I'd hung strips on my design wall, I actually began constructing the middle of the three sections first. I was actually pretty happy with that, since it has the most colors and the most pieces of any of the three sections. And though I'd hoped to have a completed quilt top to share today, it's still in the works with a couple additional seams to go. But I should have it done and be moving on to the next/first section over the next few days. Progress, slow but sure.


  1. The blocks from guild retreat day look great and I hope it's satisfying to see these coming together into the larger panels.

  2. Wow, beautiful greens! And great piecing on the 'skinny white strip'. Exciting progress for sure.

  3. I might disagree on the slow, but I love the progress. xo
