
Monday, February 19, 2024

The Liturgical Calendar Triptych

Happily, the liturgical calendar triptych I finished in January is hung in its intended location! Last week, hubby and I delivered the trio of quilts to the church and chatted with the worship team about the pending installation. The next afternoon, I began to receive photos from the Minister of Music & Worship, who had commissioned the pieces in the first place. We both were pretty excited by what we saw.

So yesterday, I got to see the triptych in its new home.

Talk about gratifying. The significance of the triptych was shared briefly with the congregation, and not only was I acknowledged as the creator, but the triptych as art. After the service, many came to chat with me about the panels; and when I noticed folks going up to the quilts for a closer look, I went over and more good conversation ensued. The improv piecing within each color especially intrigued them, and I was able to share that in addition to being guided by the church year calendar, our Minister of Music & Worship had specifically asked for a representation of the calendar while still in my improvisational style. There were more questions about how I determined the widths of each section, how they were quilted, and how long the project took me. 

One final thing I want to share about this months-long project - something I don't want to forget - is that both yesterday in person, as well as with the church's social media posts about the project, so many of my fellow members expressed their thanks for what I had created. I didn't expect those expressions of gratitude. But I really appreciated them, maybe more so since they weren't expected. Indeed, a very sweet end to this unique project.

If you're curious to see more of the triptych in the space it was made for, see a short reel here.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this project evolve. It is absolutely perfect for your church. The church itself is a work of art. I'd love to visit one Sunday, but it's kind of far from Near Philadelphia!

  2. The triptych quilts look beautiful in their intended location; you did a beautiful job and sized them perfectly for the space. I'm so glad people went up and looked at them closely and appreciated the months of work you put into them. May they be enjoyed for many years to come!

  3. It's me, Anonymous, again. I can't get it to accept my Google ID. What I want to say is that your panels look almost as if they were always part of your sanctuary. They are just perfect. I did watch the video and then went to visit your church's website. What an amazing space! I want to visit and attend a Sunday service! You got me to thinking this morning how I really love this contemporary worship space which seems incongruous because I'm very much a traditionalist as far as liturgy is concerned (please, no screens or praise bands). Much pondering today . . . .

    1. Sorry about the Google ID! But thank you RE: the panels looking like they belong. I agree! We DO livestream worship each Sunday, if you like. ;-) And we have a wide variety of ages and people who like a variety of worship styles etc.

  4. Oh Debbie... this is simply wonderful. I can't imagine you could have created anything better, and the spot for them is simply meant to be. Your skills shine here, and I'm delighted that fellow congregants were so interested in what you created. How nice to chat with people, and explain your process. And receiving their thanks... well that's just the icing on the cake, isn't it? I'm so pleased for you, and hope you are experiencing the satisfaction of a job well done. You've shared your gifts in a very meaningful way. Everyone has been blessed by you.

  5. What a blessing to your church...and to you! Congratulations on a job well done! Your creativity and perseverance on such a big project will be evident for years to come! I'm so proud of you. Hugs.

  6. I already loved the Instagram video but even though I am late to the party, I want to praise them here too ;) I loved following the project and this is such a beautiful end to the months of work. They turned out so wonderful and they look awesome in their new home. I am glad your congregation appreciates them this much. xo
