
Friday, May 24, 2024


After finishing Snippets, I was determined not to toss the CF scraps into the scrap baskets, and they sat on my work table for days, just waiting patiently. Finally, over the weekend I had a chance to sit down with them, and honestly there wasn't much thought that went into the process. 

I first sewed like-sized pieces together. From there, I kept matching sets, then adding more of the same fabric scraps, and finally puzzled chunks together. When I was done, I had a very scrappy piece, 14.5" x 15". At that point, I wasn't sure I was done piecing or not. 

Apparently not. When I went back to it another day, I decided it needed a frame. Most of my improv work does not, but this scrappy piece did, but something out of the ordinary. I thought at first, maybe a lattice, but didn't like that. Instead, I incorporated just a small segment in with a couple of my favorite prints from the original piece. Each side is a different width, thus the funky mitered corners.

At 18" x 20", I decided that was enough, and I started in right away piecing a quilt back. Just more scrappy piecing fun.

For quilting, I did an uneven grid using Aurifil 28 2710 [Robin's Egg]. I really enjoy quilting a grid, especially on a small quilt like this one.

Binding was done with the last of my CF Doe Grid, and since I didn't have quite enough, a bit of that navy spiky print from Collection CF. All in all, that was a very fun diversion and took care of nearly all of those scraps that had been hanging out. I chose the name Mixtape, since there are a variety of Carolyn Friedlander collections represented. I just used whatever blues I had for both Snippets and Mixtape. The only bad part is they're pretty much gone now. Oh WELL.

Linking up with Quilting JETgirl's Favorite Finish Linky.


  1. The irregular grid quilting plays really well with both Carolyn's prints and the lattice piecing. Hooray for putting the scraps to use in a lovely mini!

  2. The wonky "mitered" corners are such a fun element for an improv piece. xo

  3. There's just something so satisfying about using up the scraps, rather than putting them back in the bin. Your little Mixtape looks great, I like the wonky metered corners, and the grid quilting wraps it up nicely!

  4. I'm always impressed at how you're able to pull together such glorious improv pieces. "...there wasn't much thought" Honestly! How do you do that?! Anyway, the colors look great together, and where you placed them - contrasting with other colors - is really nice. The glimpse of a picket fence is perfect, as is your organic grid quilting. Another great design!

  5. I love this. Do you ever make a number of these to sew together to make a standard-size quilt?

    1. No. For me, half the fun is making something small. Plus they're completely quilted and bound, so not quite sure how that would work. But yes, I have oodles of these 'small studies....'

  6. How fun! Your quilt, Mixtape, would make a great how to improv design sample quilt.
    You really should consider, you have a lot of insight to share.

  7. This is beautiful! I love a blue quilt and yours is amazing!

    1. oh I'm so glad you like it. Thanks Karin!
