
Friday, November 25, 2011

Last Call

Today is your last chance to join in the Tuesday at the {Thanksgiving} Table giveaway! The details are here, but the basics are: link up to the giveaway post {here} to enter -  about food, fabric, story, home - anything relating to the table qualifies. A perfect chance to share about your Thanksgiving meal or table. The linky will be open until midnight tonight! Two winners will be chosen tomorrow, and each will receive a solid fat-quarter pack and $20 gift certificate from Pink Chalk FabricsNote to non-bloggers - just share in the comments section and email me a picture and I'll link you up! Everyone - make sure you include an email for me to contact if you win. And if there are duplicate entries, one will be discounted.

One thing I'm really enjoying about the link-ups is it's not just recipes. Oh, I'm a foodie that looovees recipes (remember this post?), and there's several new ones here that are going on my 'to try' list! But I also like to hear stories of sharing the table together, and seeing projects made to enhance the table. Because, though the Table is not always specifically a dining room table (like here or here), often it IS. And I like to think of the actual dining room as an inviting space - you know, with a nice place setting and maybe even a centerpiece, or at least a table runner. I like cloth napkins (and I like that my hubby irons them!) and I like sturdy dishes and fun glasses. I like comfy chairs so you can sit around the table for hours if you like. (Are we the only ones that spend the whole evening there when we have friends over?)

Anyway, I hope you consider linking up, if you haven't yet. Those who have already gathered have been enjoying some good table talk, which was the point all along.

Meanwhile, just a glimpse into my dining room, where I finally followed through on a project I had in mind month's ago - hanging my fall trio all together. (Made during Lily's Quilts Dead Simple Quiltalong.) I know fall is nearly over and winter soon upon us, but now at least the rod is hung & I can switch out the quilts as my seasonal whim dictates.
Look how that creamy print makes the center & right-hand quilt 'pop', 
while the one on the left looks so dull. I think I'll be 
switching the order in which they are hung - thoughts?


  1. I'm planning on going through the links tonight to pin a few new recipes and ideas! Maybe hang the quilts in order from biggest pop to least or vice versa. Like move the one on the far left now to the far right and just slide the other two to the left. Does that make any sense? I think they look so cute, by the way!

  2. Very cool that you have those minis hanging in your dining room! I like Kelli's idea on the placement. I've also been wanting to hang a rod like that but can't commit to a location to actually get it done. We use cloth napkins, too, but I'll just go ahead and admit to being way too lazy to iron them. And when we were picking out chairs for the dining room table my husband kept going to the big cushy ones and saying that we had to have them for when my family comes to visit because we sit there for so long!
