
Friday, March 16, 2012

The End of the Beginning and Bee Blocks

I seriously hope I haven't bored you to tears yet over my job transition. I just couldn't help but show you the modern cross quilt now hanging in my office {see here and here}. The week has gone well - my replacement is adjusting nicely, coworkers are finding me, my cross quilt has only been called a blanket once (ouch), and I finally have a phone that works (good news, bad news!). A few of you have asked if I've hung any other quilts, and the answer is yes!
You'll notice QWERTY there by my nameplate, and straight ahead is Sister Pairs, which I blogged about here. I'll show it off again since you haven't seen it in a while . . .
Sadly, it had been folded up in a pile of quilts for a few months, but now has found a happy home in my office, seen from clear down the hallway as people approach.

Anyway, thanks for sharing this step in my journey. It's meant alot to have you alongside.

Meanwhile, I finally got into the sewing room last night and was able to finish up my March bee blocks. First, some butterflies for Des for do.Good Stitches Faith Circle's current project. (tutorial found at Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts)
And this month for the Modern Blocks Bee, Krista/kritta22 send us solid black and light blue fabric, and told us we could choose any block in the book to make for her, and were free to add blue prints from our stash! She was so generous with the fabrics she sent, that I was able to make two blocks for her . . .
 The first is Blue Lagoon by Pat Sloan; the second is Fussy Cut by Susanne Woods.
Whew! What a relief to get these done, and also fun to try new blocks from Modern Blocks.


  1. Those are great blocks! Your office looks like a great place to be with all the quilty goodness on the walls!

  2. I love how you've brightened up an otherwise slightly dull looking office!! I would want to come and visit with the qwerty hanging outside :)

  3. Your office looks great! And so much more "you" with your quilts hanging. Those butterfly blocks are fun and I love the blocks you made Krista. I very nearly made that first one you did. Have a great weekend!

  4. You're definitely stamping yourself all over that office, glad people have found you! (blanket indeed!) Love all the blocks, i really need to get my copy out and have a play, you know, in my spare time...

  5. I've just become a follower so I don't know about your job change. I'll have to go back and read more of your blog posts. Anyway, I love your quilts and look forward to future posts. And your quilt looks sensational in you office. I love that it can be seen from a distance!

  6. Your office is looking great, good for you to hang up all those "blankets". I like the blocks you made too, finishing bee blocks is on my list for the weekend.

  7. The new office is looking great and you are starting to sound more relaxed about it all. I love that you hung quilts, and even outside your office door! QWERTY is smaller than I thought it was!

  8. Looking good Debbie - glad everything is going well.

  9. Your office looks so welcoming! I love it. And those do. Good Stitches blocks are really cool!

  10. Awesome! Glad your new office is all decked out in happy quilts! Those good stitches blocks are awesome, great job!

  11. It must be nice going to work just to be surrounded by all of your beautiful creations Debbie!

  12. i love your office and i can't believe someone called it a blanket! gasp!

  13. They called it a 'blanket'!! Surely that's a sackable offence ;-)

    Your office looks great and I am glad you are all settled in.

  14. I hope having your quilts around you is helping you settle into this change. They look amazing hanging on the walls!
