
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Royal Mail

SO excited to receive an envelope yesterday stamped Royal Mail! It contained my blocks from the Japanese x and + block swap! In the picture below, the top two rows are from the swap (including blocks from my friends Toni of Hoosier Toni, and January from Sew Sew Go - how cool is that!?); the third row are blocks from a private swap with my now-buddy Sue; and the bottom two I kept from the batch I made for the swap. A pretty good start towards a quilt, huh!?


  1. That is a great start! And how fun that you got one of mine. Only two of the ones I got back had names on them. Isn't getting Royal Mail fun?

  2. LOve, love, love!!!!! this is going to be one gorgeous quilt!

  3. This will be such a great quilt!

  4. I agree! Very cool you received a block from Toni. Royal Mail - too fun! :)

  5. Looking very good, and I see a few of my scraps in there on the bottom row! Fun. :)

  6. This is looking great! I guess it's time to get to work on some more. :)

    I think the U.S. postal service needs to change its name. The Royal Mail sounds MUCH cooler.

  7. Scrapalicious! It's going to be amazing.

  8. It's going to be an awesome quilt that's for sure, and everytime you use it, you'll think of your friends...what could be better?

  9. Those blocks look amazing - always exciting to packages in the mail!

  10. They are stunning Debbie - lucky you!!

  11. It is going to be a great quilt!

  12. I love love love those blocks. I think I need to start some next week : )

  13. Oh, I love it so much! If you're interested, I tagged you to play a game on my blog (no pressure!)

  14. Cool! I see you ended up with one of mine, and what looks like a cousin to one I received too :o)
