
Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So the FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches is having a little internal swap. Making a mosaic for it was fun and not at all difficult.

But I'm stuck on "Describe your personal style in 3 words" . . . Me? Style? I don't even know how to describe it! I'm sure I must have one. How do you describe your style?? What do you think of when you think of my work? Just curious here. And struggling to put it into words.


  1. Beautiful mosaic! Define style in three words? I'm not going to be much help there. Style is something I know when I see it as in, "That's not my style," but to describe it is much more challenging. Can't wait to hear your three words! Good luck!

  2. Great mosaic! I would say modern, neat and stylish. Those words sound a bit boring as a type them but they are meant in the greatest sense!! I wanted to write 'clean' because that's honestly what I think but it sounds odd!! ;)

  3. I love it! Variety! Color! Beautiful!

  4. Sytle in 3 words? EEK! Bright, vivid, varied then. Love the mosaic :o)

  5. Lovely mosaic! When I think of your work I think: adventurous, modern, tasteful - and you seem to be a natural at design and colour.

  6. I think of you as a contemporary quilter Debbie. A real trendy gramma : )

  7. oh fun! i hope to do a swap with my circle in a few months... three words, rainbow, modern, bright
