
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Revisiting x and +

Back in March I participated in the For the Love of Solids Swap2 and made a large solid x and + quilt for my partner. You can check the reveal post here. Too long ago, I was asked if I'd share the dimensions of the quilt, and I totally meant to, but my note on the project got buried. So better late than never {I hope!} here's a recap of that project!

First off, this was my rough plan - 5 x and + blocks as the center of a larger x and + block, done all in solids.
Using the block tutorial by badskirt, I just scaled things down a bit for the center blocks, so for each, I cut:

For center cross
2 - 1 1/2" squares
1 - 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" rectangle

For center edges
4 - 1 1/2" squares

For triangle bits
8 - 1 1/2" squares

For corners
4 - 2 1/2" squares

Each of the center scrappy blocks finished at 5" square.

Then for the larger block/quilt:

For center edges
4 - 5 1/2" squares

For triangle bits
8 - 5 1/2" squares

For corners
4 - 10 1/2" squares

The scrappy solid quilt finished at 25" square, and was bound with matched binding (a tutorial for straight-seam matched binding can be found here). 
I must say I still really love that x and + block!

If you do happen to make something inspired by this project, please feel free to add it to my flickr group, Quilting with A Quilter's Table.


  1. Wow,that is seriously beautiful.
    Absolutely fantastic.
    Off to Flikr favourite this immediately.

  2. LOVE it!!! And such great quilting too.
    Congratulations on the finish!

  3. Ooohh... that is SO PRETTY! I love quilts that are made from solids!

  4. This was a really effective way to use them :o)

  5. Thanks for the details, Debbie! This looks great!

  6. Thank you for sharing the details. Both quilts are wonderful but I love the overall look of the solids!

  7. Thanks for sharing your measurements. That quilt is rockin!!

  8. Such a stunning quilt Debbie! And did you see that there has been a bit of discussion about another FLOS swap?

  9. It's beautiful and I love the concept of the quilt within a quilt. Thanks for revisiting it - late is always better than never. :)

  10. this is such a fun and interesting layout, Debbie. I love the way it all turned out, so very unique, very, very lovely.

  11. Super cool! Thanks for sharing the how-to!

  12. I am loving the look of this. Another one of those things that are on my bucket list...the X and + quilt. Love how you have taken your own spin on it.

  13. Love this interpretation!! It's fabulous, and the quilting really adds to it!

  14. My goodness Debbie. How did I miss all the new posts? I think I check every day ; ) this x and + is beautiful

  15. Thank you for sharing these details, it is so nice to see that lovely quilt again.

  16. Completely awesome, Debbie! I LOVE it!

  17. Thank you so much for the lesson. This block is amazing. :)

  18. How do I post a picture of a 90" x 103" x and + quilt inspired by you?

    1. Hi Pam. Unfortunately your email isn't connected to your profile so I can't reply directly, so I hope you see this. But Instagram would be ideal. And if you tagged me, @aquilterstable, then I'll see it! Hope that works, as I'd love to see it. You could also email me,

  19. Did you receive the pictures I sent to your email of the 90" x 103" quilt I made after seeing your beautiful x and + quilt?

    Yours was 40" x 40" so I had no pattern to use for the over sized quilt. I'm a beginner and couldn't figure out how to do the x sections so I had to wing it.

    Thanks to your pattern I was able to simply double the size of the 5 center blocks. I was limited on lilac fabric as I used a sheet so I couldn't 'waste' by following your directions. Also, I made the top half shorter than the bottom half so the cross would be visible with the top 'turned down' (see photos I sent to your email). I'm sorry I can't attach them here.

    With my solids being so huge I knew the quilting would be critical. I didn't want it to be ugly plus my husband was fussing at all the time I spent working on it. I decided to get help.

    The beautiful paisley feathered areas were done by a professional. I used a walking foot and only quilted the + sections. I used a stencil for the green area and stitched-in-the ditch on the center cross.

    I had to make the colors in the x area wider to keep from having too much light lilac. It disrupted your design and kept me from being able to quilt with the pretty pattern you used. I loved your continuous pattern. I was very disappointed I couldn't do it because I loved the quilting as much,if not more,than the x and + part. LOL. I could have quilted it all myself on my machine if I could have followed your quilting pattern. Yours was just stunning.


    1. YES! I received them and was so pleased to see your beautiful quilt. I just emailed you...sorry for the delay!

  20. My email is
