
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Enough Randomness for Today

You want random? Boy do I have some today!

First up, a site new to me, with a name that caught my eye - A Beautiful Mess. I was especially interested in the photography tab, which I'll be perusing. There's also crafts, recipes, decor, fashion, and beauty - see, all sorts of randomness.

I think it was Jennifer of Knotted Thread that shared on her facebook page "100 Designs from the Free Motion Quilting Project." Interesting and inspiring!

Maureen Cracknell Handmade had a post this week called Scrap Chat. At the end, she asked, "What do you keepWhat do you consider useful scrapsDo you keep your selvages, as wellAnd, how do you store your own scraps?" Quite a varied conversation in the comments. My own response? "I toss anything over 2" or so into a big scrap basket. They are stuffed in there, and I pretty much make a big pile on the floor when I'm working with them! I rarely save selvages, tho I do have a bag of some..." Now you know. ;-)

And big news - I went to my first Seattle Modern Quilt Guild meeting this week! Good fun, lovely "show & tell", I met a few new quilters, and have connected with a few more on Instagram since the meeting. They were having a nametag challenge and were showing off their cool quilted nametags, but being it was my first meeting, I didn't have one of course. Someone thought my handwritten one should be included in the group shot so there it is in all its simplicity. Remind me to add a nametag to my To Do list!

And, if you use Google Reader, you've probably already heard the {shocking} news that it is disappearing July 1. wow. I'm trying out Bloglovin, and in the process of setting it up, it asked if I wanted to 'claim' my blog. Well I think so. To do so I need to add the link below to a post. So bear with me while I try to figure a new course of action for my blog following. I've managed to get my blogs transferred over, so I'll be trying it out. I'd love to hear what you do or plan on doing or . . .

Lastly, since so many of you enjoyed me showing off hubby's amazing Christmas Easter cactus last November, I thought I'd show you what it's up to now!

I'll be linking up with Really Random Thursday.


  1. I have loved Elsie from "A Beautiful Mess" ever since my scrapbooking days:)

  2. woohoo, I use bloglovin myself and its good once you're all set up! Aren't those fmq'ing videos great?! They make it look so simple, i'm thinking I may try a sampler with some 5" ish bloks to try some different designs, might be easier on a small scale before attempting on a quilt..

  3. Hi Debbie and thank you for a great post! Lovely blog that you have found! Do have idea for your name tag?
    What - google reader stops? I follow my blogs from google dashboard. There is a 'box' google reader, but I don't use that. I just have the list open to show new posts and then I click them to go to the blogs. Anyway, I have bloglovin but don't use it much yet. Let's start to use that then! My new posts appear there on their own. Hugs! x Teje

  4. Haha - I'm glad to know my Christmas cacti aren't the only ones to not live up to their name. This year I think they were Halloween cacti!

  5. What exactly does it mean that Google Reader is shutting down? Today is the first I'm hearing about it and I'm starting to get concerned.

    And I'm glad to know that someone else saves those really small pieces. I love paper piecing so they can come in handy!

  6. I hadn't heard about Google Reader. Ack! Guess I'll have to get busy! :(

  7. That cactus is incredible!! WOW~ I'm sure it makes you smile :)

  8. It was fun to see you Monday! My cactus has decided to bloom now too.

  9. I'm not kidding when I say that the news about Google Reader caused me to panic for minute or two. LOL. But I set up Bloglovin' and so far I really like it. I always read my blogs using the Google "Next" bookmarklet, because it took me to the actual blog instead of having to read it in Reader itself. Bloglovin' has a similar function, so I'm happy. : )

  10. Yeah, I wasn't happy to hear about google reader either. Was considering bloglovin as well - looking forward to hearing how you like it.

  11. Love that "Easter" cactus, so pretty! I probably will jump on board Blog-lovin too, just curious how it will work on my Kindle Fire, since that is how I do the majority of my reading. As far as scraps, I keep the 1" x 2" stuff.... maybe I am crazy.

  12. Wow--Google Reader going away. That IS a shocker. I use Flipboard on my iPad for my feeds, but what will do on my computer?

    Thanks for the random places to go visit--always fun to read your posts.

    Elizabeth E.

  13. Ha, I love that you were randomly a day early too!

  14. I am glad you had fun at your guild! I am looking for a google reader substitute too.

  15. Your guild sounds great! Thanks for the google reader info. I'll check out bloglovin. I wish google wouldn't keep changing things all the time.

  16. I had to laugh when reading your many of us seem to have a 'religious' cactus. Mine blooms for most festivals whatever the religion, its an inter-faith plant!

  17. Love all the nametags - what a great idea! and Congrats on going to a MQG meeting - lots of inspiration for sure!

  18. Your cactus is so pretty. I canNOT grow anything...
