
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

W.i.P. Wednesday

I've seen many a post lately where folks are suffering from a loss of mojo. I can't say I'm there, but I do feel a lack of direction. I finished my Emerald Challenge project, which was great, and was treated to a bit of fun in the latest Lucky Star, but where next? I have commitments . . . even a couple of deadlines . . . and a still overflowing scrap bin. But what I really want to do is toss it all aside and make something fun and unnecessary with lines of fabric I've never sewed with before. It may happen yet.

Completed projects
Emerald placemats - We've been enjoying using these all week!

March's Lucky Star block - The Ninja Star was as fun as all the others!

Ongoing projects
x and + blocks {#xplusalong} - still cutting more blocks out.

Scrappy triangles
- As I'm going through my scrap basket cutting x and + blocks, I'm also cutting any large pieces into triangles (6" finished). I've got an idea or two, but for now will just keep cutting.

Woodland cross-stitch sampler - I've worked on it like three evenings! A long ways from being caught up, but I am moving forward!

Pin Cushions - I've got a custom order from a friend - 30 assorted 4" patchwork pincushions. So I've been using leftover blocks and scraps to piece some tops - 7 down, 23 to go.

March bee blocks - I've got a few done. The assignment is pending on the last one.

February's FAITH circle quilt - The last of my blocks arrived this week and I have the top pieced! I still have a few extra blocks, so will be using them on the back.

Upcoming projects
* Always Bee Learning bee block for March
* table topper for mom
Doodle Memory Game
* SMQG star challenge quilt
* flannel pillow for grandgirl
* Polaroid block projects

Linking up with W.i.P. Wednesday.


  1. Your dGS quilt is going to be fabulous, Debbie! Do you know how you'll quilt it yet? And 30 pincushions? Yikes. Sounds like your projects are coming along nicely, but I fully support your decision to start something new!

  2. What lovely projects you have going on this week!
    The emerald placemats are gorgeous!!!
    But 30 pincushions, yikes! Good luck!

  3. I love those placemats and I want to make an hst quilt like yours. 30 pincushions are a lot, but I do love making pincushions, I hope you will show them off.

  4. I love your solid HST quilt - I want to do one of those! And I really like the fabrics you've got out for the #xplusalong.

  5. I love your placemats. They've turned out great and I think you've really nailed the colour.

    Great wips all around. Love your HST top - I'm currently debating the layout of an HST quilt of my own so I love seeing others'.

  6. I love your piles of cut pieces, there's something wonderful about a stack of patches cut and ready to go. Thirty pin cushions sounds like a major challenge, good luck with that.

  7. All great stuff Debbie. I love the newest star block - very fun. I think your fabric choices are my favourite of the ones that I have seen. The DGS quilt top looks great too. What's the finished size of each HST? It looks big! And I'm curious what you are going to do with the triangles. I saw a version of orange peel quilting done on a triangle quilt which I really love:

  8. Gorgeous projects you have on the go. I vote you go for the just for fun project next, that is how my scrappy rainbow quilt came about :)

  9. I am dying to know what your friend is going to do with 30 pincushions! What a fun thing to do with scraps.

  10. Love those emerald placements, Debbie! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

  11. Hope you find something to salve your restlessness soon! I'm currently spending waaaay too much time playing about with some fabrics to make an improv top, however since I just booked in to long arm it in 10 days time, I'd better pull my finger out!

  12. your Faith circle quilt is stunning :-)

  13. Ooh, I love your Lucky Star. Aren't those blocks so much fun? And the HSTs and the emerald goodness? Awesome! :)

  14. So many fun projects!! I especially love your HST quilt!!

  15. The Ninja star is very cool and I love the Emerald placemats and your beautiful HST quilt!

  16. I haven't started any of the monthly blocks yet. That is for next week! Your ninja star is awesome! And i do love your hst quilt!!!!

  17. Oh Debbie? I hear ya. I want to sew for ME. after April my shoppe commitments are done for a bit, then it's paaarty time ; )

  18. The placemats look great, love the HST quilt and the triangles are intriguing.

  19. Everything is so beautiful, but I want to see what you are going to do with those triangles!

  20. Your ninja star turned out fabulous!
