
Saturday, March 9, 2013

Show Off

For as many times as I've participated in bees and such, it's still a thrill to see a finished quilt that I've had a small part in. And this week there were two that showed up in flickr from FAITH Circle of do.Good Stitches.

First up was Debbie/Blue.Ridge.Girl's Ribbon Star/Irish Chain quilt. To me, this is one of those where the whole is so much more than the sum of its parts. Isn't it something?
Faith Circle November Quilt~Finished :o)
Here are the blocks I made. See how innocent they look all on their own? 
Ribbon Star & Modified Irish Chain blocks

Next up was Anita/RhubarbPatch's Sparkle Quilt. 
January Do.Good.Stitches
When I first saw the bright scrappy Sparkle blocks popping up, I was in awe! I made a Sparkle quilt last year, so was excited to see how different these blocks looked and felt. With the layout Anita chose, she actually had enough blocks for two quilts, so mine will be in the second one. I'm really liking how these blocks from the group play together, and am anxious to see quilt number two!

Isn't it lovely what we can accomplish when we work together? Much thanks to Debbie and Anita for their awesome work in combining our blocks into finished quilts. Stand by, I'm getting my turn soon!


  1. Oooh, the ribbon star/irish chain one is so stunning! And you're right, from such plain looking blocks. Amazing.

  2. I love seeing how bee quilts come together, in fact I've just been stitching a top together for one today

  3. Those are both excellent quilts!

  4. I love making blocks for the groups I'm in. Your blocks look beautiful Debbie

  5. I agree, they are both wonderful quilts! And the collaboration makes them extra special!

  6. I love these! It is really magical to see blocks from different people come together to make a beautiful quilt :)

  7. gorgeous! It is amazing seeing those 2 blocks come together!

  8. These are all amazing! I love all of the gray in them. What a wonderful experience :-)

  9. Really beautiful quilts - it is lovely when the blocks come together so well!

  10. I really like how the grey chains seem to fade in and out echoing the values of the stars' outsides.

  11. Your circle definitely makes some beautiful quilts! Can't wait to see yours, too!

  12. Agree completely. Sometimes in our lists and lists of quilts and blocks and handmaidens we want to do, it's easy to overlook the promise inherent in those items. I loved this post of yours, perhaps because I just finished a project from a bee; I love looking at it and appreciating those who made me a block.

    Elizabeth E.

  13. Oh yeah, that first quilt is amazing, love that so much!

  14. Hey Debbie! We met tonight at the SMQG! How funny! I am a part of the do. Good Stitches too! I'm not in your group though. I'm in the Nurture group! Very nice to meet you tonight. I wish I had grabbed another red velvet ball on my way out! :)

  15. The ribbon star/irish chain is just amazingly stunning. Wow!
    Your circle makes some very pretty quilts.
