
Monday, June 10, 2013

Zakka Along 2.0 :: Week 2

Woo hoo! An amazing 78 of you stitched up Bell Pepper Coasters or some variation, and linked up this week! Do check out the Patchwork, Please flickr group, Pinterest Board, or facebook page - you will be amazed at the variations on this fun little project! Here's just a sampling!

So on to Week 2! Head over to Lindsey's for last week's winner, and this week's prize info and linky! Then you'll want to visit Maureen from Maureen Cracknell Handmade for her take on this week's project, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Towels! And don't forget, if you still are finishing up your bell peppers, you can keep linking them up here.


  1. Amazing. I was watching them all pop up on Pinterest as you were pinning the finished projects. Fun how many are participating!

  2. Love them all. Hopefully I'll be able to grab the book.

  3. Getting inspired by the variations.... I will be making more.... :-}
