
Monday, March 24, 2014

My Quilty Bucket List

Today I share my first ever quilty bucket list as a part of the Quilty Bucket List Blog Hop hosted by Stacey/The Tilted Quilt. It's been so interesting reading your lists and talking to my local quilting buddies about theirs. SO many ideas and patterns and techniques that can continue to inspire us all. Without further ado, here's my list. {Click any photo to find its source.}

1. Years ago when I was a beginning quilter, the quilt that seemed most beautiful and elusive was the Irish Chain. I still have pages ripped from a magazine showing my dream quilt. It seems only right that someday, I actually make one.
1933 Single Irish Chain Quilt: Front

2. The Churn Dash block is my favorite traditional block and I'd love to make a quilt with a modern take on it. I got to see this delightful one come together last weekend while I was on retreat.
Scrappy Churn Dash

3. A barn quilt has been a relatively new add to my TO DO list. Hubby and I came across barns with painted quilts on a drive through Eastern Washington, and we were so taken by them. I'm not quite sure what block I want to do yet though . . .
Barn Star Quilt

4. Next up is a color wheel quilt. I'm contemplating Tula's new pattern, but we'll see.
Color Wheel Quilt

5. Pixelated quilts sound difficult and mind-boggling, but I'm also very intrigued by them. I do have a pattern in mind - we'll see if I can manage to execute it.
Pixelated Color Wheel Quilt

6. I've wanted to make another hst quilt ever since I said goodbye to my one and only, HST Love, which was a project by FAITH Circle.
FAITH Circle February quilt completed 

7. I was so taken by this Double Wedding Ring by Greenleaf Goods - a traditional block done improv. I'm mulling over which block to do for this too, but I'd really like to give this idea a go!
 improv double wedding ring

8. I like brown. And unpopular as it often is, I'd really like to make a brown quilt. The brown stash is growing, waiting for its time.
Chocolate and Stripes

9. My overflowing scrap basket influenced my decision to add a Postage Stamp quilt to my list. This one is actually in progress, so there's a decent chance it'll become a reality.
do. Good Stitches Postage Stamp Quilt

10. LOVE triangle quilts. One of these days I've just got to get up the courage to make one!
Kelsey's Mermaid Triangle Quilt

So that's it! A tad excessive, I know! But it is what it is, and at least one is in progress already, right?! Check out the other blog hop participants and share your own quilty bucket list. The linkup is at Stacey's blog here or just click the link at the end of this post. You can also see the rest of the participants’ lists on their own blogs:

March 3
Fabric Mutt
Sew at Home Mummy

March 10
Freshly Pieced
The Sewing Chick

March 17
Molli Sparkles
Don’t Call Me Betsy

March 24 Then let's get sewing!!
The Tilted Quilt


  1. Debbie, that triangle quilt is calling you from, there is a quilt a long just starting up, come join us!

  2. We have a few of the same things on our lists! Love it! I have no doubt that you will complete your bucket list, Debbie, and the resulting quilts will be gorgeous!

  3. your list sounds doable, but then they don't have to be doable, it's nice to dream sometimes!

  4. What a great list! if you need some encouragement to start that triangle quilt, Paula at just started a Triangle Quilt Along!

    You should come and join and cross one of these off your list!

  5. Great list! I have many of the same aspirations. Looking forward to seeing some of these projects on your blog in the future!

  6. Your list surprises me a bit, I think I was thinking it was going to be totally challenging projects, and not some "simpler" quilts, but I really like your list, it is totally doable! I need to pull out my postage stamp blocks and finish them myself!

  7. what a great list Debbie. I do love that brown quilt, so very pretty.

  8. I love so many of the things on your list! Irish Chain appeals to me a lot, as does a pixel quilt but I don't know what sort of pixel design I'd want to do. And brown....yes, it does seem to be very unpopular doesn't it? I don't often use it but it is not my least favourite for sure, so you are not alone. Go for it if you love it!!

  9. That's a great list, Debbie. Totally do-able. We're here to cheer you on!
    Brown is funny. My sofas are brown, but I never buy brown fabric. It's so rich and versatile, too.

  10. my wish is to tackle a bargello before my end of days - I have a couple of books and at this point just dream about tackling one.

  11. Love that pixelated quilt. Just saw this today and thought of your list:

  12. You have a great list there :o) I don't actually have a list, but your Irish Chain quilt has just inspired the solution to a problem I had!

  13. All beautiful quilts! I love your bucket list!

  14. Wonderful list - I think I might have to make one of my own!

  15. Debbie - the list is fantastic! I really love the pixelated quilt and the Irish Chain. I love the do-ability of it all. Thank you so much for participating in this fun event - it has been so inspirational for me!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Great list! There are 5 or 6 on there that could also be on my list. Thank you for sharing! :-)

  18. I think you can do all of these.

  19. I love all of those! I think you can easily do them. :) I want to make a color wheel too!

  20. Debbie-go for the triangle quilt. You will love how easy ot is and how quickly it comes together...such a bonus!
    So surprised to read your words, 'get up the courage to make one'. You have done far more challenging projects in the past and executed them beautifully. This will be a piece of cake. YOU CAN DO IT!

  21. I love the pixelated quilt! I also love the barn quilt idea. You'll have to tell me where yall were that you saw them!!

  22. Great list, Debbie! I just pinned that color wheel quilt - stunning!
