
Thursday, May 8, 2014


OK! Hang on to your hats! I must be making up for the lack of recent random posts or something, but boy do I have a bunch to share today! Let's start off with something I've been meaning to show off for a couple of months - the quilt ladder hubby gave me for my birthday. Yeah, I kind of hinted I'd like one, but he did the research and purchased it from a semi-local source, Robinson's Woodcrafts.
Of course I looked them up after the fact, and was impressed that they offer a variety of heights, rung widths, wood types, and stain colors. Mine happens to be 6-foot, 20" rungs, oak with red oak stain. And it looks great in our home!

There are EVENTS happening around blogland folks! All kinds of them. Here's a few I think you should know about:

  • A New Quilt Blogger blog hop from plum and june. I participated a couple of years ago and it was a great opportunity to share myself as well as meet others. I kinda forgot till I looked back that it was also when I created and shared my tutorial for my Logo Card Holder which I still use whenever I go to guild meetings or other quilt events. Anyway, if you've been blogging less than 2 years, do consider checking in with Beth and joining in!

  • Giveaway Day is just around the corner, beginning on Monday, May 12! The biannual event by Sew, Mama, Sew is a chance to givea way and win supplies and handmade items. It's tons of fun, especially now that it really lasts a whole week!

  • The Blogger's Quilt Festival is a fun event hosted by Amy's Creative Side, and I look forward to participating again! Basically it's a huge online quilt show, so click through for the details and start thinking about what quilt(s) you want to share!
Spring '14 Blogger's Quilt Festival -

Next up are 2 new tutorials I've pinned to my Quilt BLOCKS Pinterest board. First a Half Rectangle Triangle tutorial by a thousand Needles. Allegory made me really happy by adding some tips on adjusting block sizes to an already excellent tutorial - very helpful!

And a block I have never seen before - the Curved Log Cabin block tutorial by Carly/CitricSugar on flickr. I'm trying to imagine how this will get incorporated into a quilt, but felt it was definitely worth sharing. Have you seen it in use before?

Finally, I shared this detail photo of my Canvas quilt on AQT facebook yesterday and got this comment from Janice: "I mean this as a compliment. I like that you are a real person and your rows are just slightly crooked as all of ours would be. Thank you for not being perfect and giving me hope that I can still quilt even though I can't sew straight some times."
Photo: Here's a peek at the dense quilting I was doing last night! Love this kind of quilting - and used 6 colors of Aurifil thread!
Well you know, if there's anything I want to be here on the blog, it's real. So thanks for letting me share what I do - I certainly do enjoy it.

Linking up with Random Thursday.


  1. Your ladder and quilts are lovely! Love the Polaroids the best!

  2. What? You aren't a real person!!!! ;-)) Your ladder is a beauty! I have one too but not a classy as yours!

  3. Oh you are so right, so much going on! I'm debating the mini swap, that looks like fun. Oh and your ladder is fabulous!

  4. Those round log cabin blocks are cool and I lover your perfectly imperfect lines :-)

  5. The cool thing about matchstick quilting is that the texture looks even better when the lines are not perfectly parallel. I tell students all the time that there is a time and place for perfectionism. More often than not, it's OK to just go for it!

  6. Great randomness today, Debbie. I sure would love one of those ladders.

  7. Such a great collection of resources in this post Debbie! Thanks :o)

  8. Such a great collection of resources in this post Debbie! Thanks :o)

  9. Wowsers! What a wealth of information! I'm going to add this to my favorites, so I can come back to it for future reference. How awesome of you for sharing your clear vision in being authentic and appreciative! Some bloggers would balk at any suggestion of imperfection and immediately clear it from the blog before it could see the light of day. Hooray for you for having the confidence to let us get to know the real, and wonderful, you!

  10. Wonderful post Debbie and yes you are real and encourage us all : )

  11. Way to go hubby! He did a fantastic job. And thanks for being real - we are all perfectly imperfect!

  12. LOL, what you are a real person?? I love the ladder and the blocks and most of all your quilting on your Canvas quilt.

  13. Well, hey, would you look at that! Thanks for the shout-out. :-)

    I first did the curvy cabins with a mini and used the same improv curve idea to frame the pods into squared blocks - lots of negative space. It turned out nice so I'm going full quilt this time. :-)

  14. Those blocks look great! I love reading your blog because you are always real ! Posh ladder: well done to your husband!

  15. Thanks so much for the shout-out Debbie! And I love that quilt ladder!

  16. Love the ladder. It's so funny before reading this I was already signed up for three of the four blog events now I have a fourth one to check out. Thanks for sharing

  17. Oh I like your ladder Debbie. Been thinking lately that I need a new place to display quilts.
