
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Oakshott Ruby Red :: It Begins

"Iridescent" is the way Oakshott describes them. A couple of other ways to say that, according to the Bing Dictionary, would be:
  1. having rainbow colors that appear to move and change as the angle at which they are seen changes
  2. having a lustrous or brilliant appearance
All of that together is a very apt description of the stack of Oakshott Ruby Red* shot cottons that I cut into this week. Though describing them just does not do them justice. Seeing and feeling is a whole nother thing.

Which brings me to this . . . I've been given the opportunity to participate in the Oakshott Ruby Mini Quilt Challenge sponsored by Sew Mama Sew and Oakshott and I've just gotten going. The trimmings alone are downright stunning.
Six bloggers are currently working on creating mini quilts made with these special fabrics, and we'll be showing them off beginning June 9. Here's a peek at where I am so far . . .
We're posting our progress on Instagram using the #oakshottrubymini hashtag. So take a moment now and then to check things out. Fun times!

*Ruby Reds A really hot offering named after its red warp and set off by 16 different weft variations.

Lining up with W.i.P. Wednesday.


  1. This so has my name on it. So all you have to do is finish it and then send it my way! ;-)

  2. These are just so beautiful- cannot find them locally so I can see them up close and personal!

  3. How fun! Looks great so far. I still think you have little elves in your sewing room......

  4. Yummy colours... I can not wait to see more.

  5. It's already stunning! Can't wait for the outcome...

  6. This is delicious! I can't wait to see more!

  7. Loving the Oakshott sneaky peak, and your spiraled jungle :o)

  8. you need to put all those little fabric scraps in a glass jar and save them for a rainy day!!!

  9. I saw these in person last year. They are AMAZING. I think I need a bigger fabric budget. ;) The blues and greens especially called my name.

    I can't wait to see the whole thing! I love the mini stripes of fabric.

  10. I really like how this is looking!

  11. Oh I can't wait to see the whole thing, the colors are just so vibrant!

  12. Your pictures are making me giddy, Debbie!

    And you should throw the trimmings into those clear glass ball ornaments... That way you can preserve every thread of those gorgeous fabrics.

  13. Gosh I so want to give Oakshott a try...must not buy any more fabric right now...I've managed to get myself committed to purchasing TWO quilt kits. There goes my fabric budget for the next 6+ months...

  14. Looking forward to the reveal! They are lovely fabrics, and your quilt is going to be stunning.

  15. I am liking where you're at so far :)

  16. I don't know if this is your post for the Oakshott Ruby Mini Quilt Challenge. Thought I would leave my comment here. I like the stripes in your quilt. 24Tangent "at" gmail "dot" com
