
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Spiraled Jungle

It's not every day that unreleased fabric lands on my doorstep. So being able to work with a stack of Jungle Ave. from Sara of Sew Sweetness was a special treat. The colors are so rich, and each print has a magnetism that drew me right in. The fact that they play so well together is just a bonus. So thanks again, Sara!
Of course I stared at it all for several days before deciding to do something I'd been wanting to do for quite some time - create another version of my 'Spiraled' quilt.

Right off, I wanted the low-volume "Underground Route" print to act as a background. I didn't have enough to use it for the whole quilt, so I made it a focal point behind the largest spiral, with American Made Brand solid in Light Cream filling in the remainder of the quilt's background.
Similar to the design of Spiraled, but not quite identical, I 'built' the quilt on my design wall with 2" (finished) half-square triangles and squares. And as before, a few of the spirals escaped into the border and out into the binding. Sometimes that happens.
Speaking of the border, I was in a quandary whether to go subtle like Spiraled, or bolder. Obviously, I let the strong colors of Jungle Ave. sway me, and chose a solid Michael Miller Cotton Couture in Mermaid to frame it all just a bit. For backing, I discovered a fun Brandon Mably "tents" in my stash that seemed to match the mood of the front.
For quilting, I used Aurifil 50wt #2021 (Natural White) and using my walking foot, quilted one big square spiral, beginning at the tip of the largest patchwork spiral. I had been saving the final Jungle Ave. print - "NeighborHoods" - for the binding, and I really like how it gives a stripey effect without actually being so. And for the final detail, just a touch of Angled Matched Binding for those escaping spirals.
Finishing at 34"x36", my little jungle expedition has come to an end, and what an enjoyable excursion it was.

Linking up with Fabric Tuesday and Finish it Up Friday.


  1. you amaze me! this is absolutely stunning & I love the escaping spirals.... very cool

  2. This is just stunning Debbie - love how you have taken the spiral out to the edges and of course, your matched binding is the perfect finishing touch!!

  3. I like the overall design, and especially the focus of the printed background fabric. It's fun to look, think and be surprised.

  4. Oh that is so fun Debbie! It works so well showing off those bright prints and the binding was a great choice!

  5. I LOVE this! The way the spiral is "breaching containment" - first from the LV print and then even the border and binding - is fantastic.

    Very cool, indeed.

  6. Love this quilt Debbie! Great layout, and I especially love the design leaking out into the border!

  7. That's great fabric, and you did it justice. It's a really nice touch that some of the spirals go all the way into the binding.

  8. This will make a great baby quilt for that Modern Mamma

  9. Fantastic! I love these fabrics and now have some too. You have made such a fun and modern quilt with them. And I love a colour called mermaid, of course you had to use it.

  10. This is a masterpiece! I thought it was much bigger than it is. I'm really impressed with your HSTs!

  11. Wow, wow, wow! And what everybody else already said too! Ya know, as you posted pics of your early progress, I just wasn't too keen on this one. And now that it's finished, I just think it's amazing and stunning and gorgeous. Note to self - don't draw any conclusions (or give up) until it's finished! Another beauty (and amazingly quick finish) Debbie. You are in the zone! :)

  12. Stunning and so artistic! Really have seen you grow the last few years I've been following you in an amazing way! You sure do work fast too!

  13. It turns out so beautiful Debbie! I love the colour of the border and the extended parts to the border...great job as always!

  14. Brilliant quilt. I love every stitch of it.

  15. Your quilt is sooo beuatiful - I love the pattern!

  16. Other commenters have said it all- the mermaid colour, the spiral bursting out at the edges, the subtle use of the background fabric and the beautiful backing! Another inspirational quilt Debbie!

  17. Fab! I like your design and your pics are eye candy ;-) Well done!

  18. OMG - you are so fun to watch. I just smile when I read your blogs. Do you sleep or just sew and write all the time? I so enjoy every post!

  19. I love everything about this! The escaping spirals are perfect! I must try your binding effect! Just what I needed to see on this rainy Monday morning! Thanks!

  20. This quilt is amazing! I love it so much! The way the quilt top design goes off into the border and into the binding is so great!

  21. Another stunning quilt, Debbie. I love how you walk us through the process. The final outcome is always amazing.

  22. Great idea to focus the one print that you didn't have enough of into a focal point within the spiral. Turned out great.

  23. Love how fun this turned out Debbie! You always have so many special touches to your quilts :o)

  24. You are so creative. It's beautiful.

  25. Very interesting! I am creating (in my mind so far!) to make something similar...a "board" game on a quilt. I was thinking of using HST's to make the path, and now that I see it done and how well it looks, I will start designing!

  26. This quilt is gorgeous Debbie! I really like your designs. Much to learn from you and you really inspire me!

  27. So clever ... and the colors in the collection are gorgeous. I'm fascinated with that binding. How did you like working with AMB solid? Love the feel of it.

  28. you really hit the target in all aspects with this one. love the subtle and bold all together and extending the "arms" out make me think the design is holding onto the quilt.

  29. This is really fantastic as usual! Love the spiral going into the border and then into the binding! Fantastic!

  30. It is amazing! I love it, every bit of it!

  31. This came out great! Congrats on a beautiful finish.

  32. I love seeing unique designs like this, great quilt!

  33. From Sara:
    ::jaw dropping open:: Can't believe how creative and beautiful your quilt is! Clearly I should have had you make something for my booth. Amazing!!!

  34. Wonderfully beautiful! Love every little block.

  35. This is so lovely, you really did the prints justice. It is just awesome. I'm glad I am finally catching up on blogs so that I could see this!

  36. Debbie this is perfect (down to the matched binding!) I love photo of it on the "compass" stones :)

  37. Nice work matching up the binding, especially with those angles! Is it harder to match the angles?

  38. I like how the design spills over into the edges. Good work!

  39. I love EVERYTHING about this quilt!! Binding detail just blew me away - well done!!

  40. Okay, I found your blog, now I'm going to be following you! Absolutely love this quilt. I'm thinking some day (I'm new to quilting) when I have enough HST, I might let my little granddaughter play on my design wall with them and see what comes about!

  41. (Meant to comment on this earlier, but sometimes I read and get distracted...weird. ;) )

    I should hate this - it's not symmetrical, some of the spirals go into the border but not all of them, the background isn't consistent...but as usual - you nailed it in all it's perfectness. And I love it.

  42. Love the colors in this quilt.

  43. Brilliant!
    I love the story of this, the ideas your shared and the process you outlined. This is a terrific smaller quilt, with just the right amount of punch where its needed.



  44. I love the way the design goes into the border, but I'm amazed that it goes into the binding as well! I can't even begin to figure out how you matched that seam up so well.

  45. Love it Debbie! You're so clever with your design layouts and use of fabrics. The subway map in the spiral and how it goes into the border really impress me.
