
Monday, September 15, 2014

Going and Coming

Considering I just returned home a few days ago from an extended vacation, I'm still trying to figure out life as I knew it, if I remember how to sew, and where in the world my quilts are. And by that I mean . . .

Right before I left, I dropped off Aurora to be shown at the semi-local Bainbridge Quilt Show, where it hung last weekend beside 1 + 1 = 10 by fellow SMQG member Amber Arnold.
photo by Chandra Wu

I also had mailed off Fissures, recently accepted to be shown at International Quilt Festival in Houston in October.

And while I was away, daughter dear was kind enough to deliver Rectangles in Rotation so it could travel and be included in the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild exhibit at NW Quilting Expo in Portland OR later this month.

Meanwhile, my Modern Metallics quilt, ástərisk, arrived from Quilt!Knit!Stitch! the day after I returned home. (Btw, if you'd like to see more of this exhibit, I just came across an expansive blog post by Kristin Shields, plumb full of photos.)

And at long last, Common Affection has finished her many months tour with the American Quilter's Society Modern Quilt Challenge exhibit and is now home. Leanne/shecanquilt was able to attend the most recent show in Grand Rapids MI and kindly sent me photos of my quilt hanging there.
Common Affection by Debbie Jeske
Whew! See what I mean?

So there. Thanks for letting me tally the quilts as I try to keep track of them. Now to face the sewing To Do list and deadlines for the month. Kinda crazy but of course totally worth the chaos after the travel fun I've had. Though Italy-withdrawal is still very fresh, it feels good to be back.


  1. Nothing like coming back to a bang! What amazing quilts!! I particularly love the blue and green rectangles and the neutral one. Hope you get time to reflect on your amazing Italian adventure :)

  2. You are jet setter in more than one way!

  3. Oh fun to have Common Affection back home! Neat that so many of your quilts are traveling around the country.

  4. Congratulations on Fissures! I didn't know it was headed to Houston. What an honor!

  5. That's all pretty exciting! Are you dreaming in Italian?

  6. How do you keep it all straight? These are your children.
    Don't you worry? ; ) lol

  7. You must have to keep a spread sheet for all of the travels your quilt and you are making!! Great post!

  8. Welcome back! And congrats on all the featured quilts!

  9. How fun that you and your quilts were traveling :)

  10. Wow Debbie, you've had a lot of quilts out there. Gets kind of expensive shipping them doesn't it?

  11. coming home is always a shock. A belkated welcome home as I catch up on reading your blog
