
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Through the Lens :: interlude

It's an age-old phenomenon, and I'm as guilty as they come. That would be the attempt to really learn about one's camera. The simple fact is, when I heard (ie: read) Katy/The Littlest Thistle's post about the Camera Challenges & Tutorials series she's starting, my ears perked up. I've tried, yes. But either my retention is really poor, or it just hasn't remained an important focus. But I'm willing to try again! Here's a glimpse of where I am today . . .

What do I have?
I've shot with a Canon EOS Rebel T3i for nearly 3 years. When hubby bought it for me, he called it an advanced beginner's dslr - my very first. It came with an 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 lens, which stays on probably 95% of the time. I also have a 55-250mm f4-5.6, a medium range telephoto lens. It's used more on vacations than with my quilt photograpy. But the good news is, I do know how to switch the lenses out.

What I know.
I got off shooting automatic right away. I'm comfortable in Program mode, fiddle in Macro mode occasionally, but haven't explored much beyond that. I finally know how to control the auto-focus though. And I can manage downloading and editing my own photos, though have plenty to learn about composition and all that.

Where have I been?
I've participated in photography challenges online, specifically with Plum and June last year. I posted about those experiences then - taking fabric photossubject and composition, and about white balance. I hate to admit whatever I learned I either don't continue to practice, or have forgotten entirely.

What I meant to do.
I have a Pinterest Photography board where I collect all sorts of things about photography. I'm sure I could learn a lot through what I've collected, but I haven't read most of it. I purchased a Craftsy photography class (Shoot It! by Caro Sheridan) and another that I can't even remember {not good}. I watched neither.

So yeah. Pretty pitiful. Good intentions but not much progress. That's why I'm gonna do my best to follow Katy's posts and learn what I can. I know there's alot she can teach us me.


  1. oh man. I totally could have written this post. I'm right there with you. Off to check out her post...

  2. Didn't you buy a Groupon deal for Fotoclass? Or is that the one you couldn't remember? ;) I highly recommend those classes... and practice, practice practice so you DO remember. :) I've since purchased another one of theirs - Advanced DSLR - but am still looking for the time to... er... 'focus' on it. Soon, though!!

    I could never go back to Auto mode again!

  3. Oh, you're fortunate to have such a nice camera! I really debated, and debated, as to whether to get a dslr or a point-and-shoot, and the latter won. It's just to easy to tuck into a purse. Besides, it gives me plenty of options, a few of which I've played with as you have yours. Hope you learn a lot. It would be great to take classes from someone who really knows.

  4. I'm glad I can help you focus on your photography (and glad you worked out how to focus ;o) )

  5. Oh Thanks for sharing this challenge! I am off to check it out as I received a new (to me) Nikon and must learn more about all the settings!

  6. I have the exact same camera and lenses as you...for about the same amount of time. I'm enrolled in an online class...and my memory lapses match yours. Sigh. I'm going to check out the series..couldn't hurt!
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I just bought a new T3i; my first DSLR. Big learning curve. I also bought the Dummies guide for it, and I'm hoping to take a class in March on using your DSLR camera. There's so much it can do, and to learn, and all those things do require practice to retain.
