
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Modern Sampler :: Block C

After Block B, Block C for the Modern Sampler Quilt quilt along looked pretty simple, though the curves of the cup and that handle required a bit of concentration. I ended up hand-appliqueing the handle to its background before connecting it to the cup, and after that, things were pretty matter of fact.

I used 'framing' fabric with a little more contrast than the first 2 blocks, including a small text print. But I kind of like the result, and will use them sporadically in other blocks. So here's what I have so far.

So far, so good, eh?

Linking up with the Modern Sampler Quilt link-up.


  1. Debbie,
    I really like where this is going! As part of growing my stash, I have been curating beige, off white and white fabrics to someday create a very visually "soft" quilt. I don't have a pattern in my mind yet - although I can imagine how I want it to feel. Is that odd? I look forward to watching your quilt grow. Happy Thanksgiving week.

  2. The cup is gorgeous Debbie and all the blocks are amazing!

  3. I like the addition of text print and a little more contrast. very cool
