
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Note to self

Entering quilts in shows is an interesting phenomena. It's always based on such subjectivity, which totally makes sense yet doesn't at the same time. The ones choosing certainly deserve to choose what fits, in their minds, the show they are creating, for the space they have to fill. On the other hand, from the outside looking in, there's surprise at what didn't get it. One glance through the #quiltconreject hashtag on Instagram, and you know darn well, there could be a whole 'nother quilt show of amazing and beautiful quilts. They just won't be at QuiltCon next year. 

That said, Yay or Nay made the cut. Honestly, it's the one I least expected to get in. But it's the one I'm most gratified to have accepted. It contains a real part of me that the other two I submitted do not... that part that struggled with whether or not what I was creating was worth doing... the one that is a reminder to me not to be afraid of getting it wrong. Ironic how that turned out, isn't it?

Baconrific was really the one I thought had a chance of getting in. The whole 'quilt inspired by bacon' odyssey was loads of fun and provided lots of laughs. I'm really glad I went out on a limb and gave Bee Sewcial the bacon prompt, crazy as it was. It made me happy.

The final quilt I submitted was Archipelago, which was made specifically for the nine-patch challenge. Pretty much from the moment I heard about the challenge, what came to my mind's eye was pretty much exactly what it became. The Bahama blue background was such a nice change of pace, and sewing those wonky blocks straight from the scrap bin was, of course, fulfilling in itself. It was a good process for me.

So I'd say 1 out of 3 is pretty good odds, and considering there were over 1600 quilts submitted, I'm honored to have a quilt heading to Savannah, and it'll be in good company. But even though that feels great, obviously, I'm remembering how it feels not to have a quilt going..... and knowing that doesn't devalue the others one single bit. The space isn't big enough for all we entered. Let's just keep creating. Let's enter our quilts in other shows. Let's keep sharing on our social media venues where there's plenty of room. Note to self.


  1. Sad that bacon didn't get in. Although I bet 2018 has a few more food inspired entries. Congrats on one making it in. I played around the #quiltconreject tag last night and spread some love.

  2. All three of these works are very special, and it's quite an accomplishment to have one selected for the show. Congratulations Debbie.

  3. Hi Debbie! Your quilts are always fantastic! I love your style and very artistic, creative designs! I'm happy that Amy hosts every year the Blogger's Quilt Festival where everyone can enter and also visit to see the quilts. In US you have many quilt shows and events but in many other places the internet is our only chance to be in touch with other quilters. Thank you for sharing inspiration and your knowledge! x Teje

  4. All these quilts are beautiful! Congrats on your quilt getting accepted into the show

  5. Congratulations on all three quilts. I'm very happy that Yay or Nay got into the show! Let me add that as far as I am concerned your blog is a show, one which I visit regularly and with the greatest pleasure. So, I am giving Archipelago a blue ribbon and Baconrific the much coveted Vegetarian's Special Prize for Making Me Laugh.

  6. Congratulations! Your work is so inspiring, I'm also grateful for sharing your knowledge and process with us for the same reason that Teje mentioned above, in Greece there are not any opportunities to visit shows, take part in workshops and most of all no chance to be part of a modern guild in which you can collaborate with inspiring members. I love all three quilts but Yay or Nay makes my heart sing!

  7. Lovely to see your quilts and congratulation that Yay or Nay is going to Savannah although to be honest as you say perusing #quiltonconreject it's hard to distinguish between those that are chosen and those that aren't! As others have said the internet is a rich source of inspiration and your blog one of the best.

  8. Congratulations! It is hard to understand why one quilt makes it to the show and another doesnt. They are all beautiful, but the one they took, is also the one I like best.

  9. I love all of your quilts and feel honored that I get to see one in person this February.

  10. Congrats Debbie! So glad this one got in but I love them all!

  11. The jury did not have a sense of humour this year I think. I'll be sharing my so funny quiltconreject later tonight.

  12. It must be a very difficult job selecting what goes in and what doesn't....I don't envy them their job! I love all these quilts Deb and also admire you for giving it a go! Congratulations!

  13. Congrats Debbie. I think of the three, the bacon piece is my favorite. But how gratifying that you had one selected to hang at the show.
    I appreciate your perspective on this whole selection process. You are right, there could be a whole other incredible show with those pieces that weren't accepted. So much talent out there. :-)

  14. Congrats on getting Yay or Nay in to the show! Not only is entering quilts subjective, but I think it takes a bit of courage to enter one! Something that I have yet to muster!! All three of your quilts are pretty amazing!

  15. I love all three of your quilts. Congratulations!

  16. All three quilts are wonderful and I too find it is interesting that the quilt that was picked was the one that came from something deep inside you. Congrats on all three quilts!

  17. They're all great! I'm mystified why the bacon one didn't get it but you will find another great venue to show it.

  18. I love all 3 and I'm super happy that one of them made it in!

  19. Congrats Debbie. All your work is inspiring to me regardless of whether it's in a show or not. You are so right about never knowing what might be chosen for a quilt show. The ones not selected may even go on to fame in another show.

  20. Congratulations on getting Yay or Nay selected to show at QuiltCon. I agree that there could be many more shows of amazing quilts cultivated based on what is not accepted.

  21. Oh well done! I keep reading about quilts that didn't get in so it's lovely to read of a success. Your bacon inspired quilt would be my favourite, though strictly speaking I'm vegetarian, but yay or Nay would be my second choice.
