
Monday, November 19, 2018

Logo Labels

It took me a while to take The Dutch Label Shop up on their offer to try out their labels, but boy am I glad I finally did! I've used premade labels before but the Woven Logo Labels I designed and ordered from Dutch Label are something pretty special.

There were lots of labels to choose from, with plenty of options once a style was chosen. I knew I wanted something on the larger side with both my brand logo as well as my name. Because of that, I went with the Sew On Center Fold + Taffeta style, so the logo could be on the front, flip it over and there'd be my name, with the taffeta edges tucked into the binding.

I decided to make the labels finish at 1.75" x 2.25" once folded, which is probably a little larger than I needed, but I'm ok with that. To submit my design, I upload a jpg. file that included an image of my blog logo and the text I wanted. There's an option for a photo proof, so I totally took advantage of that and then felt pretty comfortable I was on the right track.

I happened to have read Yvonne/quilting JETgirl's review of labels she created thru Dutch Label, and she'd mentioned choosing the Preserve Light Background considering her design's light background. So I followed her lead along with the Double White vs. Standard option. According to the site, "This option weaves an additional layer of white thread into your label to vibrantly brighten the background color, and prevent shine-through. Choose this option if your label pairs a white or a light background with a dark or bright text, symbol or logo. Adding a second layer of white yarn will prevent the logo from bleeding, or shining through, into the background." So glad that option was available considering all the white-space in my design.

So my labels came over the weekend, just 12 days after submitting my order. Yes, I received them at no cost, courtesy of The Dutch Label Shop. But I can wholeheartedly attest to their quality and recommend them without reservation. I'm a new fan for sure.

The good news for you is that Dutch Label has offered a 15% discount code for my followers. The code is 'aquilterstable15' and is valid for the next 60 days. Ya know, I don't often take companies up on offers like this, but I'm pleased I did this time!


  1. Those look really awesome Debbie! I'm still dithering about getting my own labels. One day!

  2. They turned out great, Debbie! The photo proof really takes the fear out of a big order like this and gave me great peace of mind as well.

  3. Dutch Label has a good product there and a 12 day turn around is competitive.
    Thanks for the tip, Debbie.

  4. Beautiful labels, Debbie! They did an awesome job matching the colours and logo!

  5. these are beautiful labels Debbie! Since I ordered 90 million of the ones I have, it'll be a while before I'm in the market for new ones! LOL

  6. Those are amazing!! I love your logo and it sure makes for a beautiful tag!!

  7. They look great Debbie! Will you use them on both your quilts and small items ?

  8. Your labels are beautiful. I continue to procrastinate about getting labels, I suppose because I don't really have a "brand logo" or maybe just because I'm a procrastinator at heart.
