
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Begonia :: February

I wasn't alone in wanting to get right to it when Stefanie posted February's assignment for our guild BOM. Where on January's blocks we only used two fabrics, this time we got to use five of the ten! So definitely, some personality is beginning to show!

Basically, we just had to make a bunch of 3 1/2" (unfinished) half-square triangles, using the 8-at-a-time method, which resulted in a few extras to save for later. I ended up cutting my starting squares at 8" to give me just a little more wiggle room. Considering we need to make three times as many HSTs for March, I'm thinking maybe I should get a head start!

Check out the #begoniaquilt hashtag if you want to see more. There's a wonderful variety of fabrics being used!


  1. Love the first sights of color popping up :) It will be so fun to watch this grow. xo

  2. This dark green is just perfect! I'm looking forward to seeing next month block.
