
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

2019 Finish-A-Long :: Q1 Finishes

Yay for two finishes from my Q1 Finish Along list! The first was a hold-over from last year, so it feels extra-good to have that one done!

My Summer Road Trip had just arrived back from being quilted when the quarter began, so it didn't take long to get it bound.

Alot less far along was my I Heart You quilt that I was making for my baby granddaughter.

It was fun to make I Heart You! in a quiltalong, and I was super pleased my finish was timed right so I could get photos in the snow.

So that was a good quarter, not too stressful, with a couple of finishes I'm really happy with. All good!

Linking up with the 2019 Finish-A-Long.


  1. They are both so beautiful! Enjoy (keep enjoying) your finishes :) xo

  2. Congrats on both beautiful finishes! Your Summer Road Trip is one of my all-time favorites!!

  3. They are both beautiful finishes! I really like the I Heart You quilt though - so cute and perfect for your little grand-daughter!
