
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Round and Round

So when I last shared my Improv Rings project, I was still adding rings, but I had run out of scraps in my colorway, and was cutting into stash. Which wasn't really a problem, but I didn't want the project to grow too big. I was having so much fun with it, I wanted to move on to the quilting, finish it up, and see what was next.

After posting my progress, folks responded to my request for layout suggestions, and in doing so, some suggested projects other that a quilt.

I'm not sure anyone actually suggested making a pillow out of it, but once that came to mind, nothing was stopping me. Not just any pillow mind you, but a round pillow. Come to find out, round pillow forms aren't as easy to find, but I managed, purchasing a 22" round - 2" larger than I planned to cut my 'quilt top.'

So back to the quilting.... I basically made a small quilt, batt and backing and all. I followed the rings round and round with Aurifil 50wt #2975 [Brass]. Not sure why that color felt 'right' but I really like the effect and the mild contrast.

Ok, so what came next wasn't pretty, and I'm not showing it here. I went to press the finished top, and my iron spat on it, unfortunately. I went ahead and stay-stitched around the edges and threw it in the wash. Thankfully the icky spots disappeared and I moved ahead. But that's why the finished pillow front looks all crinkled.

I decided to make the back kind of fun, using both a contrasting metal zip and zipper ends. I realized after the fact that using a zipper that much shorter than the pillow back would make it tight to stuff that pillow form in. It worked, but I'm a little confused at the rippling around the edge, since the pillow is definitely 'full.' But I'm hoping use will improve that, and besides, the overall effect is so darn pretty, I can overlook it.

When all is said and done, it was fun to make a pillow for a change. And try a new technique using a bunch of scraps. Now to decide what's next.


  1. Did you clip the seam allowance on the outside seam? Sometimes clipping that outside curve helps it lay flat. I’m lazy so I often use pinking shears but your circle is quite large. I love your idea to make a pillow. I once used a mini qyult to make a zip bag. Why not?! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I really love that the pillow is round and am glad you were able to find a round pillow form! Also, this is a good reminder for me to go dust off my iron. I use a dry iron, but lint does accumulate and "burn" on it which can then come off and leave really nasty marks that can really only be washed off... Maybe I need to write a monthly reminder to dust off my iron.

  3. This is such an awesome idea to turn it into a ROUND pillow! Amazing! I am glad your stains washed out and everything is well now. Enjoy your finish xo Melanie

  4. What does "run out of scraps" mean?? Lol, beautiful pillow!

  5. Well done. Looks wonderful. I have a new daybed that needs a pillow so I may copy your idea.

  6. It's a lovely pillow! i make way too many pillows. my family has made me promise to stop

  7. absolutely gorgeous colours and design.

  8. I love your pillow - great job!!

  9. I love your improv turned into a pillow!!! inspiring!

  10. Oh how fun and unique!!! Great way to finish that block!

  11. Great project finish. Colors are wonderful too.
    Irons most the time work faithfully, but when they goof up it's trouble!

  12. This is so fun! Round pillows are a great way to add a little something different to your decor isn't it?

  13. I love this. I am deciding what colors to use and who will get the one I will make
