
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Best of 2020

It's always fun to join in Cheryl/Meadow Mist Designs annual 'Best of' linky party. There's a variety of ways to go about it, and as is my tradition, I'm choosing to base my 'best' solely on reader views of blog posts, counting up from #5 to the most viewed post of 2020.

#5: More of Those Littles - I'm pretty sure this post was heavily viewed due to Krista/@poppyprint's ruler sleeve tutorial for a 4" x 14 1/2" ruler.  SO many folks commented on Krista's post that this was their favorite size ruler, that I had to try it, and I must say, it's now a standby on my cutting table. Plus, the ruler sleeve was fun and quick to make. [Krista's tutorial is still stored in her IG Highlights.]

#4. Cross Country - I'll confess I took this class solely to meet Anna Maria Horner, which was as much fun as anticipated, and along the way, I fell in love with my Cross Country quilt. I didn't have alot of AMH fabric in my stash, but I used most of what I had in this quilt - both front and back. It's not my 'normal' style in the least, but I'm really glad I made it, and best of all was working beside Anna Maria making some of the fabric choices for different sections.

#3. Scrap Stacks - I'm kind of surprised at this one! A scrap quilt totally inspired by Nicholas Ball's Inspiring Improv 'stacks' technique, I'm not quite sure what folks liked about this one - the "live" edges, the color progression, or what, though none of that matters of course. This one was decidedly fabric play at its best.

#2. Sidetrack - Another scrap quilt, this one is still a favorite of mine too, and it was so enjoyable to make, considering its small size (24" x 25"). Actually, it was begun from scraps of Grayness, yet another scrap quilt, and indirectly led to the larger courthouse steps quilt, Autumn Steps. All of that just adds to its story. 

And (drumroll) #1: Let It Be - It is so apropos that this scrappy quilt was the most viewed on the blog this year. Measuring 70" x 55" x 67" x 50", it is the wonkiest quilt I've ever made, and at the time, it felt so, so necessary to leave it just as it was. Made back in May, when nothing made sense, and we were beginning to realize that things would be very different for much longer than we'd hoped, accepting its shape as it was felt obvious and important. And this is the quilt that I've snuggled with the most in all the months since. It's kept me company, and added a little joy to many days. As have all of you....

So that's what you all thought was 'best' here on the blog. Can't thank you enough for sticking with me and following along in this year unlike any other. Many, many thanks!

Linking up with Meadow Mist Designs' Best of 2020 Linky Party!


  1. Thank you for sharing your lovely and varied quilts. Have to say I think that the ruler sleeve is a great idea. Going to check that one out.

  2. I do like the wonky improv quilts! They are so bright and unique!

  3. all sensational! I had forgotten about the ruler sleeve, I really want to make that

  4. Love them all especially Let It Be. I can see why it was #1. Great job!

  5. Thank you for helping me get through this year of being alone. I love your quilts, and I especially appreciate your sharing your process as you make them. Dot

  6. I loved revisiting some of your makes for 2020! Happy new year and I look forward to seeing what you create in 2021. Thanks for linking up with the Best of party!

  7. LOVE Let It Be! Sew wonky and the colors are so cheery.

  8. Your a girl after my own heart. I love love love scrap quilts and you did them proud!

  9. Love your quilts!!! I especially like Scrap Stacks!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  10. They are all wonderful quilts! I too especially like 'scrap stacks!

  11. Your Let It Be quilt is amazing! So symbolic of this strange year yet such a marvelous comfort quilt.

  12. Such a fabulous mix of finishes. Your scrap quilts are amazing and WOW to your Let It Be's spectacular!!

  13. Great Top Five! And as varied as reading your blog :) xo

  14. Amazing Top 5! I can definitely see why they are the top 5 read posts of the year. I wish you a very happy 2021 Debbie and cannot wait to see what you come up with in the new year.

  15. It’s refreshing to see the way you let your quilt be in Let It Be quilt. Love the colors and everything about it. Wonderful mix of finished projects.

  16. What fantastic finishes for 2020. Love the bright happy colorful scrappy quilts.

  17. You made some really wonderful quilts in 2020! I'm pleased to see a few of my favorite in your top five.
