
Thursday, January 4, 2024

Calendar Update IX

You guys.... after taking a several-week break from the liturgical calendar quilt project, I got binding made first thing in the new year. After that, hubby and I spent time working together (thankfully!) to square and trim all three quilts. 

It needs blocked a bit, but number three of the series is done! After much consideration, I decided to machine-bind the quilts with matched binding. Since these quilts will live out their lives as wall-hangings, I thought that would be a good option. 

I first sewed the binding onto the quilt back, then top-stitched from the front. I had never done that with matched binding, but it worked out really well. Measuring 60" x 62", I'm counting this as my first quilt finish of 2024!

Linking up with Quilting Patchwork Applique's Patchwork & Quilts linky!


  1. It looks really nice with the matched binding! xo

  2. Stunning improv quilt, I love the shades of color! The matching binding looks pretty, hooray for the first finish of the year!
    Thank you for sharing ;)

  3. So much work! But how lovely that your husband helped you with squaring-up. That can be daunting, especially when working with a large quilt. To square my large quilts, I usually wash them, pat them into "square," and then let them air dry before adding binding. Looks like your idea of sewing binding to the back and then wrapping it to the front it a good one, especially if you like machine sewing binding into place, as you do. This is looking good! Won't they look smashing when the three of them are hanging together?

  4. I think the matched binding is a great choice. I also like to sew to the back and then the front when I finish binding by machine, and I'm glad it worked well for you. And hooray for some help from your husband getting the quilts trimmed square; that's a big job! Congratulations on your first finish of 2024 and it sounds like you might be set for a few more soon, too. :)
