
Friday, February 28, 2025

QuiltCon Phoenix | The Quilts

It's hard to focus on just a handful of quilts when there were SO MANY gorgeous ones at QuiltCon. So first, I'll share the group quilt in which I had a block

You might remember me making blocks for Linda @flourishingpalms' potholder quilt project back in January 2024. My one block that made the final cut is the one in the upper right corner. Linda bound all of the hand-quilted blocks, then hand-stitched them all together. It was great to be able to see the quilt in person AND to meet some of the other makers as we gathered for a group photo. I also overheard several folks examining the quilt, so intrigued by its unique construction.

Standing L: Charlotte @kirkenoll
Kneeling L-R: Sherry @otterbeequitling; Candi @candipursuits; Kathy @kathycookquilts; me
Standing L-R: Linda @flourishingpalms; Patty @elmstreetquilts

From here, I'll just share a few of my favorite quilts from a mix of categories.....

Seriously, that was just the tip of the iceberg. Be sure and check out all the QuiltCon 2025 Winners, and The Works of Tara Faughnan, beautifully captured by Holly Harper @redheadwiththreadIt really was a very impressive, inspiring quilt show.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see QuiltCon quilts - again, and some I didn't look at closely. So-oo many wonderful quilts to see! They could have been hanging for a week and I still wouldn't have been able to absorb them all. I'm very glad you participated in "Pot Luck," and could be in the group picture. I am grateful for your block, and your enthusiasm for the project. Indeed, the method for making a potholder quilt is unique, and one that could be explored further, in the modern style. Thanks for sharing your pictures!
